#@%*&**&*%$@# SNOW AGAIN !................
You know for some reason I’m beginning to dislike winter…
Its #@%*&**&*%$@# snowing again…I think we here
in the land of clinical psychosis boredom zoo have already
had more total #@%*&**&*%$@# snow than we have had in
the last five years…Except for that one day,, yes it was a
Tuesday when we had 28 #@%*&**&*%$@# inches of
fairie poo snow…It came down in buckets,, cats and dogs,,
with thunder and lightning (very very exciting),,
#@%*&**&*%$@# snow covered bovine where falling from
the sky,, and giant icy igloos the size of Oprah Winfrey,,
with mukluk covered Nanooks bouncing all over the yard…
The roads became impassable,, the Governor declared a
Def-Con 4 emergency,, lots of moronos had to be rescued from
their cars and 18 wheeler baby buggy stompers on the freeway…
Unfortunately a number of them (about 12 dozen) were
accidentally run over by the cops who were using APCs as
emergency vehicles…Finally the Governor (a non-Hillaryite)
took some much needed action and declared that the state was
now located below the Mason-Dixon line and warmer days
would soon be here…they were… about 4 months later…
As for me at that time,, I had it easy,, almost…I was stuck at
the airport…I had a ticket in my furry paw that said
‘destination Acapulco’…If the #@%*&**&*%$@# snow had
just waited 35 minutes I would have been gone…And laughing
as I was carried away into the majestic sunshine…
But it didn’t…for 372 million hours I was trapped in the airport…
You ever been trapped in an airport?...Don’t be…
Its scary as you watch humanity descend into the primal abyss…
Backwards into the George of the Jungle days…Its like
Planet of the Apes,, except without the scantly clad Hotties,,
at least they were fully clad for the first thousand hours…
The first warning signs of total collapse,, is that all the hard as
concrete plastic chairs are all occupied,, some of them have two
or three families in one chair…Some are used as foot stools by
leather clad bikers…Do not ask them for the chair…
This is a warning…I saw for myself what happens when
someone does…It was a blue haired old lady that asked for
the chair,, she must have been about 180 yrs old and
about 65 lbs…She was roasted toasted sprinkled with
Bar-B-Q sauce and eaten within 8 seconds…You’ve been warned…
The next signs of the total collapse of civilized society is that
all the airplane blankets are taken,, as are the marshmallow
sized pillows…Then the pay phones don’t work,, the airport
personnel mysteriously disappear,, where do they hide?...
Then the toilets backup and gush like Trevi fountains spuing forth
brown sludge that walks upright…
So much water starts to fill the airport that even Moses couldn’t
part it…By hour number 146 its now unsafe even to venture
within 10 thousand feet of a vending machine,, unless you have
an Uzi,, with six mags…Don’t even think about going near the
coffee or gift shops or the restaurants…
They were looted sacked pillaged and burned within the first
36 hours by frequent flyers who know what’s about to happen,,
and have learned from experience to get what you can fast
and horde as much as possible…And that tabloid magazines
really do make excellent toilet paper…
I’m not really sure what happens next,, but I’ve heard stories
about that day…About human sacrifices to the Sun Gods,,
cannibalism,, Hungarian midgets forced to have sex with mimes,,
babies sold for a cracker…It must have been horrible…
As for me…I found a safe hiding place,, in an unlocked janitor
closet…Just before locking myself in I grabbed a drunken
stewardess (hey it might get cold)...
Then I welded the door shut using a quarter and a Bic lighter…
(I learned how to do that from watching MacGyver)…
When I was finally rescued and stepped into the fluorescent
lighted causeway,, I was shocked at the images before me...
It would have made Romero proud… There was blood
everywhere,, half eaten arms and limbs on the floor and hanging
from the ceiling…A nightmare scene…
Of the 8,631 persons that were believed to be trapped within
that airport,, only 27 were found,, I was one of the lucky ones…
What happened to the stewardess?...I don’t know,, maybe she
escaped thru a trap door or something…But I can truthfully tell
you that Drain-O can be used to cook with and that
window cleaner is not as poisonous as everyone thinks…
Cotton leaves a bad after taste,, as does silk…Rayon and polyester
are not too bad if eaten with hand soap…And metal buckles and
zippers need a lot of chewing…
So as I look thru my window watching the
#@%*&**&*%$@# snow,, I’m reminded of that day…
And I keep the key to my front door right next to me……..
Better than an episode of Lost.
That was absolutely the most @#$%@&%* post I've ever read. Just great! Love your descriptions. Love the fluidity. Love the story. Love the whole thing.
Have a #$#@% day!
Lo@#%L, gonna have to try the quarter and Bic lighter at work, always running out of rods.
To Drowsey:
I don't watch TV so I guess I’ll have to take that as a compliment…
Although from what I remember about the shows on TV,, being
better than an episode of Lost (or anything else) might not be that
hard to accomplish………
To Swubird:
Thank #@%*&**&*%$@# you… :-)
There are a lot of better ‘story’ tellers than I am on the blog,,
have a look around,, I do,, and I realize that I’m just a hack
compared to a lot of them…But sometimes when the Bacardi is
cold enough,, the words fall just in the right places…
To AstroBob:
Yes you can learn a lot from MacGyver,, he got promoted
to Colonel/General of Stargate you know,, I’ll bet that quarter
trick come in handy while escaping from the Goa'uld….
What was all that whining BS you emailed me? What a sucker to think I care and could be offended by anything you say! If you've tried to offend me I haven't noticed. I'll look harder next time. Or maybe you should TRY harder next time. I'm a crab remember; I have a tough outer shell. But if you get too close I'll pinch you.
P.S. It was 73 down in sunny, warm NC today.
To Lorelei:
What an interesting response...No BS was played I’m afraid...
.......good bye.......
gt281 are you pissing off Lorelei now? Be nice.
To Catz:
So,, did you like my story or not?.....
Was that a story? Or did you eat some bad mushrooms on your fast food burger?
To Catz:
Yes,, it was quite a 'Whopper' wasn't it?....Hows Droppy doing?..
Is he still farting over at your place?.....
Election update:
Obama now leads the devils bride in delegates...r we going to see more tears now? or is she going to get more people fired,, like the reporter who made remarks about
I am thankful that the more the
creature from the black lagoon opens its mouth,, the more people realize that she is really a follower of the Sith,, and only an EVIL EMPIRE would she create.....
"C-H-E-L-S-E-A... I - A-M Y-O-U-R - M-O-T-H-E-R!!!!"
Get it? She's Darth Vader. Or as Yoda would say, "Darth Vader she is."
To Lorelei:
I prefer to think of 'it' as a boil on the butt of American that
simply will not go away...
Aren't you suppose to be on fire
because of the note I left you?..
Or have you reconsidered its meaning?
What note did you leave me that was supposed to set me on fire? and why would you want to set me on fire? I am always cold though, so a nice warm fire to sleep in may be nice. Maybe hell ain't so bad.
To Lorelei:
I was misinformed.......
you don't watch tv? why?
To Drowsey:
I guess you don’t watch much TV either…
If your serious about that question get back to me,, I have a
341 page doctoral thesis on the subject I’d like to share with you…
Otherwise you can just read “MAD RANTINGS OF A MAD SCOTSMAN” I posted in July 07…I know,, I know,, it means clicking on the left hand side of the page,, but I think you can do it,, afterall you’re a woman…... :-)
i look forward to it. I didn't know you back in July...I only came to blogworld in Sep..or Aug or something.
nope...nothing there dated july 07.
To Drowsey:
Not knowing me since July is a good thing...Above the swell pic of me,, you will find something called 2007(124),, click the arrow looking thingy,, now find
JULY(12),, once again click on the arrow looking thingy,, way down at the bottom,, no down,, click on
"RANTINGS 0001"..I will let you slide this time do to the fact that you are Sneezy again,, and drunk on Vics Formula 44..This is the secret Nobel prize winning archives of Gt281,, please put things back when you are done,, cuz THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS is studying my work for the possibity of giving me the FREEDOM OF AMERICA MEDAL for misspeellingz...
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