nite and in her hallucinatory state of medicated Drowseyness
she gave me an award….Why she would do this I don’t know…
perhaps I’ve been too nice to her…I’ll have to change my ways
in order to avoid such things in the future…I’ve placed it on my
blog-ari-no only because I know that if I don’t she’ll keep
harassing me about it,, and maybe even show up on my
doorstep…that would be bad…
If she keeps it up I’ll send her another meme tag,, apparently
she didn’t learn the first time………
So since she’s shown me how mean and spiteful everyone in
Blogland can be,, I’ve decided to give out my own Award,,
(patent pending) to people who keep dropping by without notice,,
eat everything in my refrigerator,, drink all my beer and
annoy the B-jesus out of me….
The Freddy Award goes to the following really really really
annoying ‘persons’…….
DrowseyMonkey……….(a Nanook)
CatzMews……………..... (a Nanook)
AstroBob………………....(a Nanook)
FaerieKat………………...(a Wicca)
Lorelei………………….....(a Raleighite)
You ‘girls’ may not have noticed,, but AstroBob has
now received 2 Awards….you’ll have to try harder to
keep up……......................pppllllltttthhhhh
Thanks gt28,What a, a, a, well I'm speechless right now, by the way I still have to give out 3 awards, not as splended as this but your on my hit, I mean winners list.
And here I am without my speech at the ready. Hmmm...
You seem to have a lot of nanook readers...I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere.
Thanks for the award! I think.
To Drowsey:
Only a joke to everyone whos not a Nanook.....
Your welcome,, now put my leftovers down and get out of here,, I'm expecting some sane people to come by any time now...
Any time now....
I'm still waiting....
And here I am. I am sure you are talking about me being the only sane person you know. Sorry I kept you waiting. Wow a Freddy award ... you really must have loaded up at the ABC this weekend. What can I say but gee thanks you should'nt have really you shouldn't have :))
To Catz:
It was nothing...You surely deserve it...I expect to see it on your new baby blue blog-ari-no soon...If not I shall keep taunting you...ahhh,, I'll probably do that anyway,, until you learn how to use the 'block this person' button....
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