You know I don’t think this was such a good idea…
Why not?…
Well,, I just don’t think they like us very much,, that’s all…
Your nuts,, didn’t you give them,, the pots and pans?...
Yeah,, I gave it to them…
Did you give them the mirrors and beads?...That always works…
Yeah I gave it to them,, they seemed to like our gifts…
Well,, what’s your problem then?...
Its just the way they treated us that’s all…
What way?...
Their taking off all our clothes and tying us up…
Yeah,, that’s kinda different,, I’ve never had that happen to
me before,, but I think its just a misunderstanding…
A misunderstanding?...
Yeah,, you remember when you smiled at the chiefs daughter?...
Well,, I think you proposed marriage to her…
I didn’t mean too,, I was just scared and trying to be friendly…
I hate to tell you,, but smiling at someones’ daughter is sometimes
a part of a courtship ritual…
Well,, how was I suppose to know…And what about putting us
in this pot of water?...huh?...What’s that all about?...
Must be part of the wedding ritual…A purification ceremony…
Then why are you in here with me?... If I’m the one getting
I must be the best man…Don’t worry…You worry too much…
Would they be dancing and singing if they were going to hurt us?...
No,, I suppose not…How would I know?...Your the guide,,
your suppose to be the expert on these types of things…
I am…Its just that,, I’ve never gone this far into the bush before…
You’re a big help,, and what about the way they poked us in the
butts with their spears?...
I’m sure that was just a friendly tribal greeting…
Greeting my ass,, those spears are sharp…
Your still alive aren’t you?…
Now what are they doing?...Why are they putting vegetables
in this pot?...
Haven’t you ever hear of being Green?... I’m sure their just
conserving resources that’s all,, it must take a lot of firewood to
get a pot this size boiling,, so they just don’t want to waste it,,
that’s all…
Yeah,, maybe…They are going to take us out soon aren’t they?...
Its starting to get hot in here…
Don’t worry,, the government passed a law 20 years ago
against cannibalism………………………
All right, I will ask the obvious question, which no doubt has been asked a million times before...
WTF is up with the double commas? Is your keyboard stuck? Or is a deeper, darker secret? A childhood trauma, perhaps?
Tell me about your mother.
lol @ marvin...
Good luck marvin, yes, I've asked before.
Umm...nice story. Did you just start a diet or something?
to Drowsey:
Hitting the comment button more than once doesn't make it work any faster.....Yes,, I have lost some weight,, mainly because here in the land of the frozen cornstalks,, dwarfs are begining to become scarse,, and my Bar-B-Q sauce is frozen......
To Marvin:
Hows the invasion going?...Seen a naked Venus yet?...I use double commas because it annoys the B-geeus out of everyone,, thus making me happy...
Now just between you and me,,what did you do to the nuclear reactor in Florida today? can tell me,, I won't tell anyone...
You were recharging your unlicensed Atomic rail gun weren't you?....
Hmm..... so you ran out of the blue ones didn't you,,, too much snow to go to the drug store,,,
What an imagination you have. But your little story does remind me of a cannibal joke. Surprised? It goes like this: Two cannibals were sitting in front of a big pot of boiling water. One says to the other, "I hate my mother in law." The other one replies, "So just eat the vegetables."LOL!
Interesting post. Have a nice day.
To Catz:
When blue ones are unavailable,, it is proper to substitute 4 fingers of Barcardi juice at 10 minute intervals....
to Swubird:
Mother-in-laws are tough birds,, its best to use a slow cooker and
let them simmer all day...Even then
they have a lot of gristle,, so put in plenty of potatoes...
They're in hot water!
to Akelamalu:
geez thats a tough name to type,, it took me ten minutes to unknot my fingers....
yes they are,, soon to be in hot stew,, then on a hot plate with
veggies and steamed rice...
I wonder whats for dessert?....
I see you survided your first visit,, thanks for coming back...
Negative, I did nothing to Turkey Point. If I had, it wouldn't be there anymore. ;-) Besides, fission power, until humans come up with reliable fusion power, is both cleaner and more efficient than any other technology, even solar. Ergo, I would rather see a coal or gas-burning plant shut down instead of a nuke.
I must say, the double commas make my eyeballs jog, all 18 of them. If you start misusing the apostrophe, it may prove to be too much.
to Marvin:
As far as apostrophes go,, I'm afraid I'm not very religious.....
I also gave Bugs Bunny your Florida address....
I noticed the double commas, but not being a writer I thought it was something you do and was acceptable like a longer pause, boy you learn something new everyday, mostly from this blog, lol.
to AstroBob:
If you have learned anything from this site,, it has to be wrong...Please disregard anything you have read here....
Have a cup of hot chocolate...your brain is frozen,, its -35c there...
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