Mysterious and spookey
They're all together ookey
The GT281 Family
Their blogs are a nauseum
When people come to read'em
They really are a scre-am
The GT281 Family
Not so Neat
Not so Sweet
Not so Petite
You’ll get a witch’s scar’em
A monkey in a Har’em
You’ll get some lunar shots
Then they’ll throw you in a Catz pot
Better watch out that crabs hot
This is what’s known as
The GT281 Family.....................
ahahahaha...LOL What a fine group we are! Love it!
Oh my god ... how do you come up with these things? That is too funny. And indeed aren't you lucky to have such a diverse good looking family?
Oh yeah... we now know what gt281 did on his Valentine's day - no date apparently :))
To Drowsey:
To Catz:
I had a hard time getting everyone together for this portrait,, what with everyone being in different
time zones and dimensions...Not too mention some of them are from the land of the Nanooks... Dangerous things Nanooks,, especially if their from someplace called BC...
I think BC means (Before Christ)...
Oh,, I forgot...
After the photographer left I called WANG NANG WOOS chinese takeout and order 3 chinese Hotties
with fried rice and lo mein noodles...We had a great time in the bathtub full of raspberrys and whipped cream....But after about 4 hours I was hungry again...
I knew I should have got up to pee every 75 minutes! How I ended up married to you shall always remain a mystery that I would rather never solve, but my children are adorable in spite of it all!
omigod that was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. You've outdone yourself. I'm immortalized in song!
To FaerieKat:
I needed some tax deducts,, don't worry your torment will be over soon......
To Lorelei:
Yes I'm afraid I'm a little bit
overdone around the edges....
At first glance your verse left me somewhat vexed. My thoughts were torn. I didn't know whether to offer you kudos, or condolences. But then upon retrospection, it occurred to me that for a man to compose such words of prose, he must truly love his family. It is a telling sign of high character.
Have a nice day.
To Swubird:
I only keep them around because they bring me candy and put cash in my pockets…of course there is
that one orange haired person that likes to put her hand in my pocket for other reasons,, I think she’s looking for a banana….…
Plus a couple of them are my
blood type,, just in case……
Nice days are filled with hot Rum
totty Hotties......
Lol,lol,this has got to be one of the coolest things I've seen put together ever, swubird is perfect, not like the others aren't, great stuff, can we go to the cemetery after dad, can we ,can we. Oh can you tell sis to stop hitting me over the head with her dolly.
To AstroBob:
I have to agree,, Swubird takes a fine portrait,,(and anything else thats not nailed down)...Yes you can go and play in the graveyard.. While your there,, dig up grandpa,, its almost time for dinner........
lol @ everyone's comments. And Bob hit me first.
oh shoot...wrong identity. I'm like a blog version of Sybil. TheGirls is moi. :)
To Drowsey:
Everybody knows that "shoot is shit with two o's"....And that I'm full of 'shoot'......
To Thegirls:
Oh boy putty cats,, are you feline furballs trained to pee all over the place or does it just come naturally?...Now where did I leave my Bar-B-Q sauce..........
Meow (our human would translate but she doesn't like to swear)
Sybil, I mean Drowsey, sent me over to check out this post...verrrrrrry funny! "click-click!"
To Olga:
Drowsey(Sybil) has a way of sending people and bras over the edge...
Hey,, point those things at someone else,, they might be loaded,,(or maybe its just the owner)...
Thanks for the visit...stop by again and I'll show you my briefs....
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