Rising above on silken wings
Multi-faceted hues that inspire
Drifting with the breeze ever higher
Perching alone on a delicate flower
Come to me my beauty,, stay with me this hour
Sailing along from one to another
Sipping what’s within,, I will not bother
Graceful are your ways,, these lazy days
Bringing me joys apon your wings
Lifting high into the sky
Then low among the willows
Tell me where do you hide at night
Are you really a fairy sprite?
I never see you in starlight
Perhaps you are hidden just there
But please beware of the spider’s snare
In the mornings dew we will meet anew
Just me and you,, as you glide on by
Stay for a while and give me a smile
Tell me oh wonder so fair
Do you care which flower I plant
To bring you here,, be it red or yellow or blue
Tell me true and I will plant them all for you
Fragile whispers your wings do sing
You are the sign of a new year’s spring
Come into my garden,, I will not pry
Oh gossamer winged butterfly…………..
You're such an enigma. This is very beautiful.
To Drowsey:
I think you mean ‘enema’…
I saw you peeping thru Marvin’s window,,while Catz and Marc Anthony were playing powder puff games and making cookies…
You know I never quite know what to make of you gt281. Drowsey is right this is beautiful.
OK, I stopped back by as per your request & WOW!...this is bee-yoo-tiful! And here I thought you were an enigma....
Very nice.
You don't really want to be an enema do ya? You know where they spend most of their time?
To Olga de la Victoria:
Thank you for your kind comment,, it was very
uplifting,, firm bouncy and perky…
Just never know from post to post here love it.
To AstroBob:
Either do I...I wake up in the morning and something new has been added...Strange since I know my dogs can't type...or can they?....
A fairy sprite, indeed! Your previous incarnation is lending you all eight of her eyes and it's doing you a world of good. In fact, it's doing you wonders! I would even be honored to have this posted on my site, full authorship and linking provided, of course, to your worthy lordship.
To FerieKat:
Its not very good...but I know that if I don't let you borrow it you will only cast a Wicca spell and send me more snow,, so you can
use it if you want....
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