(Vatican City Rome)
(Guesspi the painter)…youra eminencio Ia hava finishioed
paintin the ceilina has youa requesta…
(Cardinal Theadous)… thanka youa Guesspi …
(Guesspi the painter)…herea isa my billismo,, youra eminencio …
(Cardinal Theadous)…my,, youa useda a lota ofa painta to painta
the ceilina…
(Guesspi the painter)…ita wasa largeo ceilina and requireda twoa
coatsa youar eminencio,, would ya like ta seea it?…
(Cardinal Theadous)…Ia willa inspect ita later,, Ia havea meetin
witha the Popea ina fewa momentoes,, I knowa youa wouldta liea
toa me….hereas youra check…
(Guesspi the painter)…thanka youa youra eminencio ….
Two hours later Cardinal Theadous walks down to the chapel to
inspect Guesspi the painters work…Later he calls Guesspi
on the phone…
(Cardinal Theadous)…Guesspi,, Ia thoughta youa saida youa
paintaed the ceilina ofa the chapela sixteena ,, Ia wasa justa
therea and nothina wasa dona…
(Guesspi the painter)…Ia dida youra eminencio,, Ia paintaed the
entirea Sistinea chapela ceilina asa youa requesta…
Gee,, if only they spoke proper English all this could have
been avoided…..
OK,, OK stop your groaning…I can’t write literary masterpieces
every day…Here you go,, I’ve posted some links to other peoples
very funny You-Tube videos….go here…….here……here….
and over……………………here……….
Lol, It's an adventure everytime I come here, I was clicking on your links again and they didn't work, geez you'd think that after the 20th. time I'd stop clicking on your stuff here.
To AstroBob:
How many times must I tell you not to touch anything around here?...
You naughty naughty little boy.....
Hello,, said the spider to the fly.......
You pop out masterpieces the way some people pluck lint out of their bellybuttons!
To FaerieKat:
And you don't?...
I'll take your comment as a compliment...I think...ahh maybe...
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