Well it was Saturday nite, bath nite, I do this religious very
Saturday whether I need it or not, and after I’m done getting all
soap bubbly clean, then I throw my dirty clothes in the tub and
do them.
Hey, I’m green…
Anyway, there I was just laying back soaking with the Mr. Bubble
bubbles floating thru the air and exploding on the ceiling or trying
to made a moon landing on the end of my nose…
BUBBLE: 540 feet, down at 30 [feet per second]...down at 15...
400 feet down at 9...forward...350 feet, down at 4...300 feet,
down 3 1/2...47 forward...1 1/2 down...13 forward...11 forward?
coming down nicely...200 feet, 4 1/2 down...5 1/2 down...
5 percent...75 feet...6 forward...lights on...down 2 1/2...40 feet?
down 2 1/2, kicking up some dust...30 feet, 2 1/2 down...
faint shadow...4 forward...4 forward...drifting to right a little...
O.K. ....
BATHTUB COMMAND: 30 seconds [fuel remaining].
BUBBLE: Contact light! O.K., engine stop...descent engine
command override off...
BATHTUB COMMAND: We copy you down, BUBBLE.
The BUBBLE has landed!............
Yes, I have a lot of fun on Saturday nite with Mr. Bubble and my
cold 12 pack of Miller beer….Well, anyway, there I was getting all
soapy and slippery, just thinking about hot naked women who will
never get naked with me, then I had these really odd questions
that suddenly just popped right into my right ear and started
banging on the peanut casing of my brain. I got tired of their
incessant banging so I let them in, and now I’m gonna be real
mean and write them down, just for you, so you can be bothered
by them too.
Here are the deepest most puzzling questions of our times,
I hope someone has the answers to these questions because,
I don’t have a clue as to what they mean………
If thunder rolls,,… Does rain butter…
When it rains & hails,,…Does that mean a taxi is coming...
Do cows utters speak,,… Or do they just mumble a lot…
If squirrels like nuts,,… Do they like washers too…
A saddle has stirrups,,… But what is it mixing…
If a cat has a cradle,,… Where did the baby go…
If you put all your eggs in one basket,,…
How big an omelet can u make…
If gas is lighter than air,,… Why do farts hang around so long…
Since corn has ears,,…Does it listen…
Is popcorn made with,,… Coke or Pepsi…
Can you build a house,,…With moonbeams…
If frogs are always croaking,,…Why do they still jump about…
We now have e-mail,,… But what happened to the a,b,c,d-mail…
Shoes have eyes,,…But can they see…
If you are a spring chicken,,…Will you be a fall chicken later…
There is a band called the who,,…Is there also a band called the
what, where, when, and why…
When a chicken lays an egg,,…Does that mean we can’t get
tickets to its play…
Is fowl play committed by just chickens,,…Or can any bird do it…
If the transmission is scrambled,,… Does it come with bacon…
If the fryin pan is not hot,,…Does the kettle still want a date…
If the cook beats the batter,,…Can he get arrested…
If the door is ajar,,…Can I put pennies in it…
If night falls,,… Do stars stumble…
If time waits for no man,,…Will it wait for a naked woman…
When daylight breaks,,… Who glues it together again…
If fairies dance,,… Can they get married in Connecticut…
If bees make honey,,… What do cees make…
If you hear something,,… Are you a hearder…
If lightning strikes twice,,…Does it get another swing at the ball…
If camels had three humps,,…Would they be called dormitories…
Why are they called peanuts,,…Do they pee,, or are they just nuts…
If the grass is greener on the other side,,…
Why do I mow three times a week…
Where is the gasoline alley I keep hearing about,,…
I need to fill up my car…
What kind of music comes from a bullhorn,,…
Is it classical or modern jazz…
When the astronauts touched down on the moon,,…
Did they get six points and a field goal try…
When beauty takes you breath away,,…Can she be arrested
for stealing…
Why do cars have air bags,,… When I have a mother-in law…
If time flies,,… Do flies time…
If your house has shingles,,…Should you call a doctor…
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
It’s quiet very quiet,, even for a room in the ICU... It always is at
2:00 in the morning... Just the sound of the heart monitor and the
constant hum of the breathing machine are the only noises filling
the room… The only source of light is the fluorescent lamp above
the bed,, flickering every now and then just to show it's working…
Retired Lt. Colonel John Abrahams lies quietly in his bed,,
these are his last days,, perhaps hours,, he knows it,, as do the
doctors and his family… It’s been a good long life of 83 years,,
nothing to complain about,, nothing he wishes he had done different,,
a good long life,, coming to an end now,, just as everyone’s does...
Just waiting now,, that’s all anyone can do... In the room with him
waiting,, is his grandson Simon Abrahams,, half awake,,
seating in the chair by the window,, his head nodding up and down,,
trying to stay alert... Colonel Abrahams son was killed in an auto
accident years ago,, so now Simon will carry on the
name of Abrahams...
Just waiting,, Simons wife and family went home hours before,,
nothing to do there,, Simon would stay and watch and then let
them know if anything changed... Just waiting…
(Cough, cough)…..”Simon”….”Simon…are you”….
Colonel Abraham’s voice is barely audible….”Simon”……….
“Yeah, granddad”…I’m here”…
“Good, good, is anyone else here?” “what time is it?”…
“Just me granddad, it’s about 2:00”…
“Good, I have something I must tell you” the colonels voice
seems a little stronger now, his words are easier to understand…
“It’s a secret that you can never tell anyone, not even Julie,
do you understand?”
“Sure, granddad, what is it?
“Promise me?”
“Sure, sure, I promise”
“They made me swear an oath, never to tell anyone what I’m about
to tell you, they said I could be shot if I told anyone…(cough) ..
water please…what are they going to do now? Kill me?” ha-ha…
“Who’s they?”
“The government”…”it was a long time ago, almost 45 years now…
I worked for a secret government agency called the “Watchers”…
You can’t tell anyone, do you understand? They could find out”
“Yeah, granddad, I understand”…
“I was a hot shot up an coming Captain then, I’d flown a couple of
secret missions over Vietnam and Laos, before that war became a
real mess... And I guess some brass hat thought I did pretty good…
well, soon after my tour there was over, I receive classified orders
to report to the Cheyenne Mountain complex...
It’s called NORAD now… I was assigned to the 721st Mission
Support Group, which was part of the 21st Space Wing,
at Peterson Air Force Base… I knew the government had built a
huge bunker complex in Colorado, but I didn’t know much about it,
and I certainly never expected to serve there”…
“It was fairly new back then, it was thought it would be safe from
the Soviets nuclear missiles”…(cough)…
“Want some more water granddad?
“Yeah”...(cough)….”I didn’t know what the hell I was doing there,
I didn’t know anything about missile defenses or rocket ships,
I was just a jock pilot, a hot shot showing off…well, anyway,
I was assigned to a group of 62 recruits for this new unit the
government was putting together”…
“The “Watchers”?…
“Yeah, that’s right… we were under the command of
Brigadier General Parsons, a real spit and polish type of officer...
He’d sooner bust you down to private than to look at you…
The cream of the Air Force, they said we were, the smartest ones
they could find… (cough) I guess the family genes had something
to do with that… that’s when they had us all sign those papers
stating we’d never talk about anything we did there…
it was real too, it said right there on the form, that we could be shot,
without trial if we ever talked about this… scared the crap out of me,,
this was real top secret stuff I was getting into”…
“After about eight weeks of intensive training in electronics,
radar systems and missile warnings systems, and who knows what…
we were down to just 28 men… that was all that was left out of
the original 62, where they went I don’t know, I suppose they
were shipped off to Alaska or the North Pole maybe… after all that
training and testing we went thru, we were assigned to the
newly formed “Watchers”, our mission statement said we were to
watch for incoming ballistic missiles, but that’s not what we
really did…(cough)..
You can’t tell anybody about this now, you understand?”...
“Yeah, I understand”…
“We worked in groups of three men each, around the clock,
every day of the year, around the clock…our real mission was
to watch into outer space for possible invasion by alien creatures”…
“Space ships?, you got to..” …..
“It was real, I tell you…it was July 65, Captain Ross,
Captain Hillman and myself were in the bunker that night,
watching the radar screens as usual, very boring stuff, and then
Captain Hillman saw them on his radar screen, hundreds of them,
from what we could tell they were as big as a football stadium…
scared the crap out of us… they then started to surround the earth
in a spiraling pattern and then just stopped… I immediately called
General Parsons, who came down to look for himself…
I think it scared him too…He quickly left and I suppose he told
the President and the Joint Chiefs…we all stared at the radar
screens wondering if this was it… and then after about 2 hours
the space ships suddenly left orbit and we never saw them again”…
"What happened? Why did they leave?"...
“I didn’t find out why they left until about 10 years later…
the military had intercepted a transmission that was sent to each
of the space ships from the command ship, it took the best
cryptographers we had 10 years to decode that message...
It commanded the other space ships to leave orbit and search for
a new home somewhere else… the reason, as best anyone could
figure out, that the leader had decided not to destroy us, was that
he had found intelligent life on this planet and he wasn’t going to
destroy it”…
“Well, of course he found intelligent life here, us”…
(cough, cough)…”That’s the funny part, it wasn’t us he was talking
about…he thought mankind should have been wiped out, because
he found us to be selfish, arrogant, hateful beings”…
“I don’t understand”…
(a half smile appears on Colonel Abrahams face)…”Simon,
the intelligent life they wanted to save, was not us, but our dogs…
the leader found them to be the most caring, loving, forgiving,
kind creatures on this planet, and lucky for us he did”…
That’s right dogs, (cough), you know something Simon?”
“What’s that?”
“I’m glad that he didn’t judge this planet by the
house cats we have…………………….
Saturday, October 27, 2007
As some of you might know, GT281 works in an office with
other “ADULT” cube dwellers. Let’s see now how many are
there? There are 6 cubbie dwellers, 4 office occupiers, and
1 hottie receptionist, all bound together working shoulder to
shoulder (laugh, laugh) towards a common, if misunderstood goal,
of making money for the “COMPANY”. Which from now on shall
be referred to as the company. Now I work just one cubbie down
from the reference book area, which I call the historic information
clutter, because the newest of these reference books is dated 1985,
but I’m sure that all the information is still up to date and accurate.
In this reference area is also a counter where a person can stand
and look thru the aforementioned reference books and then put
them back onto the bookshelves,
But this never happens. My cubbie is situated just 20 ft away,
and I’m the only one who has to walk by this reference area to
get to my internet viewing station, no one comes this way unless
they want to view something in the reference area. Now I come
to the point of this tale of woe and misery, please note, that in the
sentences above I said “ADULT”, all the dwellers in this office are
between the ages of 24 and 103, and none, not a single one lives
with their parents, except the hottie receptionist who has woes of
her own and just recently had to move back in with her folks,
just for a little while, so she is excused, besides she’s hot.
Now as ADULTS, working along side other ADULTS, you would
think that maybe just maybe they could clean up and put away the
messes they make every single fkin day, but they don’t, their
self-minded pig-o-ramas, and I guess they think that since I’m
the closest one to this reference junk pile that I will do it.
Not a fkin chance, or maybe they think their mothers will come in
after work and clean up after Jack or Jill, just like they did when
they were 2 ½ yrs old. So each day the reference junk pile grows
and grows, books and reference whatnots, piled higher and higher
each day, overflowing onto the floor and onto the top of the cubbie
wall tops, and the book shelves get emptier and emptier.
I can only hope that one day, the boss will come walking by and
then an avalanche of reference thingies will fall and break his
big left toe, so then maybe just maybe, he will put down
his good right foot and send out an e-gram to everyone telling
them what pigs they are, and that,
The same goes for the lunch room too, only it looks like something
you might see at a hillbilly pig farm.................
other “ADULT” cube dwellers. Let’s see now how many are
there? There are 6 cubbie dwellers, 4 office occupiers, and
1 hottie receptionist, all bound together working shoulder to
shoulder (laugh, laugh) towards a common, if misunderstood goal,
of making money for the “COMPANY”. Which from now on shall
be referred to as the company. Now I work just one cubbie down
from the reference book area, which I call the historic information
clutter, because the newest of these reference books is dated 1985,
but I’m sure that all the information is still up to date and accurate.
In this reference area is also a counter where a person can stand
and look thru the aforementioned reference books and then put
them back onto the bookshelves,
But this never happens. My cubbie is situated just 20 ft away,
and I’m the only one who has to walk by this reference area to
get to my internet viewing station, no one comes this way unless
they want to view something in the reference area. Now I come
to the point of this tale of woe and misery, please note, that in the
sentences above I said “ADULT”, all the dwellers in this office are
between the ages of 24 and 103, and none, not a single one lives
with their parents, except the hottie receptionist who has woes of
her own and just recently had to move back in with her folks,
just for a little while, so she is excused, besides she’s hot.
Now as ADULTS, working along side other ADULTS, you would
think that maybe just maybe they could clean up and put away the
messes they make every single fkin day, but they don’t, their
self-minded pig-o-ramas, and I guess they think that since I’m
the closest one to this reference junk pile that I will do it.
Not a fkin chance, or maybe they think their mothers will come in
after work and clean up after Jack or Jill, just like they did when
they were 2 ½ yrs old. So each day the reference junk pile grows
and grows, books and reference whatnots, piled higher and higher
each day, overflowing onto the floor and onto the top of the cubbie
wall tops, and the book shelves get emptier and emptier.
I can only hope that one day, the boss will come walking by and
then an avalanche of reference thingies will fall and break his
big left toe, so then maybe just maybe, he will put down
his good right foot and send out an e-gram to everyone telling
them what pigs they are, and that,
The same goes for the lunch room too, only it looks like something
you might see at a hillbilly pig farm.................
Friday, October 26, 2007
Just a few suggests about blogland…..
#1. during boring days when I can’t think of anything to write,
or days when I would like just to read what other bloggers have
written, I click on the NEXT BLOG header thingy at the top of
the page, and it goes to the next blog, that’s good,……..however I
would like to make the following suggestions about the
NEXT BLOG click me thingy…..
A. lots of blog sites have removed it or disabled it…please lock
this click me thingy so no one can tamper with it, it’s a real pain
in the wazoo to click on the back button and then the forward click
me thingy….I’m sure you can do it… you’re all techno wizards
aren’t you??
B. while browsing thru blogland, there are a lot, a lot of foreign
language sites, nothing wrong with that, it’s good that everyone
is able to blog…..but I can’t read Martian, so is there any way I
can set up by browse button to by-pass these?
blogland to keep growing and be a wonderful place to stop by
and visit….
YOU SITES”, because if you don’t, in about two years that’s all
that will be in blogland, it’s to much already…
And thanks to those types of sites my pop-up blocker filter has
now gone over the 1000, and counting mark……
D. why is it that the blog site VIDEO-54, is always in the rotation,
I’ve been cruising thru blogland now for about three months and
it is always part of the NEXT BLOG browse selection,
why is that?...and never once have I come across my own site,
on the NEXT BLOG click me thingy….or any of my favorite
blog sites,…WHY?
Just a few suggests about blogland…..
#1. during boring days when I can’t think of anything to write,
or days when I would like just to read what other bloggers have
written, I click on the NEXT BLOG header thingy at the top of
the page, and it goes to the next blog, that’s good,……..however I
would like to make the following suggestions about the
NEXT BLOG click me thingy…..
A. lots of blog sites have removed it or disabled it…please lock
this click me thingy so no one can tamper with it, it’s a real pain
in the wazoo to click on the back button and then the forward click
me thingy….I’m sure you can do it… you’re all techno wizards
aren’t you??
B. while browsing thru blogland, there are a lot, a lot of foreign
language sites, nothing wrong with that, it’s good that everyone
is able to blog…..but I can’t read Martian, so is there any way I
can set up by browse button to by-pass these?
blogland to keep growing and be a wonderful place to stop by
and visit….
YOU SITES”, because if you don’t, in about two years that’s all
that will be in blogland, it’s to much already…
And thanks to those types of sites my pop-up blocker filter has
now gone over the 1000, and counting mark……
D. why is it that the blog site VIDEO-54, is always in the rotation,
I’ve been cruising thru blogland now for about three months and
it is always part of the NEXT BLOG browse selection,
why is that?...and never once have I come across my own site,
on the NEXT BLOG click me thingy….or any of my favorite
blog sites,…WHY?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
There is a room,,
A very special room,,
And within this room,,
There is a glass box,,
And within this glass box,,
There is a special glass box,,
And within this special box,,
There is a key,,
The key to all eternity,,
To open this box,,
And take the key,,
You only need to know,,
Two things,,
The first you already know,,
The second you will never know,,
The first thing is the beginning,,
The second thing is the end,,
You always know the beginning,,
But never the end…………………………….

(among the towers)
The wistful days of spring with its budding flowers and trees are
gone,, as are the hot humid days of summer,, with its sun always
over head,, it is autumn now,, as Joe and I walk along the
dusty road,, but dusty it is no more,, just paved concrete
roads now,, with their painted line,, grassy shoulders and
ditches… Just straight concrete paths now,, with the cars
and semis zipping by,, constantly flowing,, a constraint noise...
I am close now to the end of my journey,, close now to the very
eastern coast,, perhaps only a couple more weeks,, maybe a
month now,, until this journeys end and I can return home,,
to home again on that very western coast… Sometimes when
the white clouds fill the sky and the wind is just so,, coming
from the east,, I can smell the ocean scent apon the air,,
close now am I… Joe stays close by me now,, hugging my leg
most of the time,, or just staying in the ditchways,, I think
she knows what dangers there are with these cars and such,,
perhaps she remembers what happened in the wheatfields
so long ago…
The city streets,, highways and byways are all that are about now,,
gone are the green fields and the peaceful starry nights,,
just buildings,, roads and cars now… I can no longer light my
evening fire beneath the starry skies and just ponder the next
days journey…
Gone are the days when Joe could just suddenly burst off running,,
after a rabbit or perhaps a pheasant in the fields,, those were good
nights for us,, when she caught them,, for we would always have
a good meal that night…Now I stay within roadside motels or
sometimes behind forgotten buildings,, but no fires can I light for
my evening stew,, much more costly it has become to stay each
night within sheltered walls,, and sometimes I have to pay extra
for Joe,, or,, yes,, I sneak her in at night,, but it is also good to
have some comforts during the night,, a soft bed,, pillows,,
showers and bathrooms,, but it costs me every night that
I stay among the towers… I am grateful at these times for the
world of plastic money…
The concrete roads thru these metropolis are very dirty to me,,
much more trash and junk lies beside every road,, I have seen
many a curious lost object along these roads… Many times have
I come across the lost cushion,, or the sofas and wooden chairs
that have fallen from some misloaded truck or van,, and many
is the time I have come across just the lone shoe there along
the road side,, many sandals and sneakers and baby shoes
I have seen,, always just one,, along the road,, why just one I
always think to myself... It made me laugh aloud once when
I found an old hiking boot there apon the concrete side,,
for it had a name written on the bottom sole,, km pete it said,,
it did make me laugh,, for I thought perhaps that this km pete
must have had stinky feet and the boot did make a hasty retreat,,
just a funny thought,, as I was wandering along towards my
journeys end…
The city streets are so crowded it does seem,, below the steel
and glass towers,, Joe stays very close to me then,, she perhaps
senses that these are different days and different types of people
we walk among now,, no smiles among the faces do I see apon
the walkways,, just hustle and bustle thru-out the day,, perhaps
it is me that causes such frowns,, I know that I must look as if a
tramp or bum or beggar man,, but I am not,, just a wanderer I am…
I could turn back now and return home apon some western
bound train,, for I know what lies just beyond the next bend
or just beyond the horizon there,, more city streets and towers
will I meet apon this road,, no surprises now,, just city streets
blending into the same as before,, but when I started apon this
dusty road,, I had set out for the very eastern coast and I am
close now,, it would not be long now until I would gaze apon
the very eastern coast…
I decided to continue my journey even tho I knew
what lay just beyond…
It was late September and the nights were getting cooler now,,
but it was still pleasant enough to be walking about,,
Joe and I were among the towers there,, just beginning to look
about for a rooming house or a motel to stay the night,, it was not
the best of neighborhoods,, but I had been it many such places
before,, so I did not fear what may lay around the corner…
I stopped just for a few minutes within a small store on the street
there that night,, just for some food for the nights rest,,
not much else… Just walking down the sidewalk looking for a
resting spot for the night,, when 2 men jumped from an alleyway
and pulled me inside to that half lit pathway… These were not the
same type of men that had roughed me up long ago,, no biker
wantabes were these men,, this I could plainly see,,
this is what they did for a nights living,, so I didn’t resist them as
they came apon me…The shorter man had a knife in is hand,,
waving it about,, and the tall heavyset one now brought out a gun,,
these were not men that I could banished away with just my
walking stick…We moved farther back into that dimly lit alley,,
then the shorter man threaten me with his knife,,
”give me all your money” he said…
And this I did do,, I gave him all that I had from my pockets,,
it was just 12 dollars and some change I think it was,, not very
much for these two.. Then they grabbed my arm and we moved
deeper into that darkened pathway,, I could sense that things
were not going to go peacefully with just a simple robbery…
”What do you have in that pack??”,, “give it to me”,,
the shorter one said,, with every intend on taking it no
matter what… ”Run Joe,, run”,, I said,, and this she did,,
down the darkened alley,, until she turned the corner there...
Pain,, falling now,, darkness……………….
That voice again,, and that strange tune I heard once before...
“GET UP, GET UP”,, ”hey mister,, mister”,, are you all right??”…
The voice was different now,, a voice with a Mexican accent I
think it was… ”Hey mister”,, a strange warm wetness was about
my face,, there it is again… My eyes open very slowly and I find
myself staring at the black asphalt of the alley way,, with two
clawed feet in front of me,, now four,, it is Joe there,, licking my
face to awaken me from that alley floor… “Hey mister,, mister”,,
“are you all right??…
I look about now and I’m helped to my feet by Carlo Garza,,
in that alley there… Hammers are pounding in my head and
the bells within my ears will not stop their ringing…
"Are you all right??”,, Carlo asks me again… Carlo looks to me to
be in his late twenties or so,, he wore a blue jacket with his name
inscribed on it,, and blue work pants with a light blue shirt,,
a uniform of sorts I guess,, he had been on his way to work that
night when he saw me laying in the alleyway there,, me and Joe,,
I felt the back of my head and Carlo looked also,, it was still
bleeding from where the muggers had clubbed me that night…
I was dizzy from head too toe and could barely stand or walk much,,
we looked about for my things,, Carlo,, Joe and I,, we found most
everything that I had in my pack,, for not much was I carrying
that night… We found Whistling Petes very fine kettle there by
the dumpster,, its spout was chipped now and we never could find
the lid,, but its was still intact,, all the rest of my belongs had just
been scattered about,, nothing else did those muggers take,,
for I nothing much for them,, except the few dollars I had with me…
Very shaky am I as Carlo helps me thru the alleyway,, he guided
me up three flights of stairs to his apartment just down the block…
A small apartment it was,, very small,, only one bedroom,,
a living room and off to the side was the kitchen,, very small for
a family of five… Carlo,, his wife Anita,, and their 3 small kids all
lived within this small apartment,, just trying to make do among
the city towers…
Carlo and his wife spoke very fast in Spanish I think it was,,
and then Carlo left,, to work I guess… Anita put a cold towel on
the back of my head,, as I lay there on their couch,, where is Joe??,,
the room swirls about me and then I see her,, sitting by the door…
Thru the night and mid-morning I slept apon that couch,,
and when I awoke Anita served me and Joe some scrambled eggs
and toast,, I wasn’t very hungry,, for I still had a great ringing it
my head,, but I ate it all,, as did Joe…
It was perhaps the early afternoon when Carlo came home,,
to his wife and family,, a long shift he had that night working as
a night janitor… We talked awhile about by journeys and such and
about his family and kids,, he was legal to be here,, he had come
this way a long time ago,, and now was just trying to get by on
his own in this city… He said he didn’t like it much,, too noisy and
dirty for him,, and that the people here abouts always looked down
on him,, as some kind of lower being or something,, he said,,
even tho he worked steadily six days a week and did not bother
anyone… Just trying to make a better life for himself and his
family that’s all… Just as so many were doing among the
glass and steel towers…
It came time to leave and just before I left,, into their tiny bathroom
I went just to wash up a bit and to clean my wound,, and there
under a bar of soap on the sink there,, I left some money for
Carlo and his family,, money that I always keep hidden so no
one can find,, I know that he would not take it from me if I offered
it to him,, so I just left it there,, he could use it more than I,,
and also as a small way of thanking him for his help that night…
As I gathered up Joe and headed out the door,, Anita gave me a
bag full of lunch meat sandwiches and some cookies for the road,,
I did not refuse them,, for it would have been very bad manners
indeed,, to refuse such an offer from these very fine folk…
Apon the city streets once more where we,, me and Joe,, my head
was still ringing,, but the sun was shining bright and the air
was warm,, not much farther now to the very eastern coast,,
just a week or more of wandering apon this dusty road,,
not far to go at all…
Not much father did Joe and I have to go to reach the very
eastern coast… It has been a very different journey than I thought
it would be when first I started apon this dusty road,,
very different indeed,, but I have no regrets about the journey
this road has taken me apon…I have met many a fine folk along
this journey,, very fine indeed,, and yes I also found Joe,,
a very part of me now…
We arrived apon the very eastern coast about dusk it was,,
on a Wednesday,, this I do remember clearly… The day had been
warm and the air had a sweet smell to it… I did not touch my foot
into the waters edge just then,, for I wanted to see the sunrise
over this water than now marked the end of my journey eastward…
Joe seemed to take to the ocean waves very easily and she looked
like she was having a lot of fun,, just there chasing the water on
the sand,, and finding this and that to play with,, for me,,
I just sat and rested apon that beach that night,, just gazing out
into the ocean waves as their breaking crests glistened in the
moonlight,, it was a perfect night for just doing nothing at all…
The morning city noises awoke me from my slumber the next day,,
just as the sun was starting to make its daily appearance apon
the sky… It was a beautiful sunrise,, with a pink, orange
and yellow glow… I watched it rise above the waters horizon and
then I did put both feet into the water there,, my journey to the
very eastern coast was now over,, I had completed what I set on
to do,, so many many months ago… I was perhaps a little sad that
this journey had finally met its end,, but also was I glad that
I will be heading home now,, following the western bound sun
along its journey,, home now,, to long ago friends and family………
.............THE END..............
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The manner of this death was most foul and a mystery indeed,,
so it was that Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were called to solve
the riddle of this murder most foul…
The day had been hot and muggy as the guests arrived at
Mr. Boddy’s mansion,, Hill House Manor was its formal name…
All the locals just called it the Heathen House,, for there always
seemed to be a party going every night,, and there was going to be
a party this night too… They had all been invited there by
Mr. Boddy,, for dinner and a charade party... Colonel Mustard was
the first to arrive,, with Miss Scarlet by his side... He arrived in an
old 84 Jimmie pickup that had rusted fenders and a large dent on
the drivers side,, Colonel Mustard was known to be a heavy drinker
and sometimes would cruise thru peoples front yards,, or maybe hit
a tree or something,, and end up sleeping inside the police station
for a couple of nights…
Professor Plum arrived about a half past five,, looking very stern
and glum as usual... He was the English professor at
Stilldoor University,, just 20 miles or so away... Always a stickler
for the use of “proper” English punctuation and speaking was he...
A real pain in the asse,, all the faculty and students often said...
Mrs. White and Mrs. Peacock arrived together in Mrs. Peacock’s
brand new white caddy... Both wore richly detailed dresses
this night,, for a glad party it was expected to be... Mrs. White
wore a shimmering blue cocktail affair with a sequined purse
and shoes to match,, Mrs. Peacock wore a silky red dress that
flowed effortlessly when she walked,, both were as pretty as
could be…The townsfolk all thought that there was something
strange about these two,, for they were always seen together,,
laughing and giggling,, happy as you please...
Mr. Green arrived perhaps about an hour later,, late as usual...
Driving his green BMW,, for green was his name and green was
his favorite color too... He owned the luxury sports car dealership
in town,, and a local bar too... “SPORTS CARS ON THE GREEN”,,
and “THE GREEN BAR”,, they were called,, not very imaginative
names were these... Mr. Green was a widower,, around his late
50s or so,, but he was never without female company if he
wanted it,, for he was loaded with dough,, and liked to show
himself off... The guests were all greeted at the door by the butler
Wadsworth and each were lead into the great conservatory of
Mr. Boddy,, drinks and hors-d’oeuvres were available to all,,
and as each guest arrived,, their chatting and laughter became
louder and louder,, all expected a great diner and a pleasant time
playing charades… Diner was to be served at around 7:30,,
so there was time to sit and chat until the butler arrived to escort
them to the dining room... The day had been hot and muggy,,
but now a summer storm had arrived... Flashes of lighting and
thunder with heavy constant rain now started to disrupt the
evenings party...
The lights of Hill House Manor began flickering on and off,,
then suddenly the house went dark and only the lighting flashes
illuminated the conservatory... Some candles were lit and they
gave the room an eerie glow with flickering images cast against
every wall... All the guests spoke quietly now,, watching the
lighting show and waiting for Wadsworth to replace the fuses,,
and then they could continue with their festivities... It only took
about 5-10 minutes or so for Wadsworth to replace the fuses,,
and once again the house was brightly lit... Suddenly Wadsworth
rushed into the conservatory...
“He’s dead... He’s dead”...
“Who’s dead,, speak up man,, who’s dead?”,, Colonel Mustard
“He’s dead,, Mr. Boddy’s dead”,, Wadsworth exclaimed,,
trying to catch his breath...
“What?,, where?,, was everyones question...
“In the billiard room,, just down the hall”…
Rushing past Wadsworth,, everyone hurried thru the doorway
and into the billiard room,, all except Wadsworth,, who stayed
behind and made himself a strong drink of scotch...
All the guests now gathered around the body of Mr. Boddy,,
lying on top of the billiard table with a knife in his back...
Everyone was appalled to see such a sight,, their host just lying
there with blood dripping onto the green felt...
This is the murder that Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were
called to solve... Who would do this murder most foul?...
Wadsworth greeted Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson at the front
door and immediately escorted them into the billiard room,,
all the guests were asked to return to the conservatory and wait,,
and to touch nothing until Holmes and Watson could talk to them...
Dr. Watson quickly proceeded to examine the body,, the knife was
a plain kitchen carving knife about 6 inches long,, it still had some
turkey skin about the handle and was thrust deeply into the back
of Mr. Boddy,, near the middle of his shoulder blades...
Dr. Watson had to remove the knife in order to turn the body over,,
and under the body he found a candlestick holder,, with the candle
still in it,, its wax was still soft around the wick... Examining the
body further,, Dr. Watson discovered rope burns around the
neck of Mr. Boddy,, still fresh and some rope fibers around
his collar...
Searching thru the pockets of Mr. Boddy,, Watson found a small
revolver that had not been fired recently,, and in Mr. Boddy’s
wallet he found numerous love letters,, which appeared to be
written in a women’s handwriting,, he gave these letters to
Holmes for his examination...
While Dr. Watson was examining the body,, Holmes went about
the room searching for clues to this murder most foul...
Holmes quietly and methodically searched every inch of the
billiard room looking for clues,, even going so far as to crawl
along the carpeted floor with his magnifying glass searching for
even the tiniest of objects... In the smoldering ashes of the
fireplace along the west wall he found a pipe wrench that had
been tossed into the burning logs,, he carefully removed it and
examined it closely,, then set it on the billiard table... He also
found a lead pipe which had been hidden under the divan,,
it had fresh hair and blood on it,, and it seemed to match the
wound on Mr. Boddys head that Dr. Watson had recently found,,
he placed this on the billiard table too...
A murder most foul in this billiard room... Nothing else could
Holmes and Dr. Watson find on the body or in the billiard room,,
that might give clues to who had done this evil deed…
The body was left there that night on the billiard table,, along with
the revolver, candlestick, knife, the wrench and the lead pipe...
Holmes and Dr. Watson then went into the conservatory to
question the guests that were there that evening...
Holmes went about questioning each of the guests,, while Watson
waited and watched... Holmes first questioned Miss Scarlet and
showed her the letters they had found,, then he led her into the
library,, which was just thru the door to the west so he could
question her in private,, so the others could not hear her answers...
Watson stayed behind to observe the other guests and discern
what he could of their reactions on this night...
From the library muffled moaning sounds could be heard while
Holmes questioned Miss Scarlet,, and thumping noises too...
Sherlock Holmes and Miss Scarlet were in the library for perhaps
10 minutes,, then Miss Scarlet returned to the conservatory,,
her hair was tussled about and her clothes looked somewhat
misshapen... Holmes remained in the doorway of the library,,
looking somewhat out of breath... Holmes then motioned to
Mrs. White to join him in the library for her question and answer
session... Mrs. White would not go,, she was afraid and she would
only go if Mrs. Peacock was allowed to come with her...
Holmes agreed to her request,, and closed the library door behind
them as they entered...
Again muffled moaning sounds could be heard while Holmes
questioned Mrs. White and Mrs. Peacock,, and again there were
thumping noises... After about 20 minutes this time,, the library
door opened and Mrs. White and Mrs. Scarlet returned into the
conservatory,, and again their hair and clothing looked just
slightly out of order...
Holmes followed the two women into the conservatory,, and made
himself a stiff drink,, then sat down in the overstuffed chair in the
corner by the fireplace,, looking somewhat exhausted,, he then
asked Dr. Watson to question the remaining guests,, and this
Watson did,, taking each in turn into the library for questioning,,
each session lasted only perhaps 5 minutes or so…
“What’s going on here?,, what’s this all about?”,,
said chief inspector Colombo as he stood in the conservatory
door way...
Wadsworth,, the butler,, had also called the police that night,,
soon after calling Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson…
Inspector Colombo now took control of the crime scene and all
those in Hill House Manor... He and his men went about
examining all the rooms, the body, the weapons, and requestioned
all the guests,, including Holmes and Dr. Watson...
Case file #4567-345: City of Los Angliees
Murder of Mr. Samuel Boddy
Dr. Watson was convicted of murder in the second degree,,
his fingerprints were the only ones found on the murder weapon,,
he was sentenced to 20 years,, with no chance of parole…
Sherlock Holmes was convicted of tampering with evidence and
with “tampering” with the female guests,, he was sentenced to
7 years,, and then extradited out of the country...
But if you ask me,, I think the butler did it…………………
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Crying in darkness does not ease the pain,,
Tears like salty rain,,
Love will never come again,,
Blackness in the corner alone,,
No one to hear me moan…
Two bound as one with rings of gold,,
Now no hand to hold,,
Endless hours and sleepless nights,,
We are no more,, gone is the light,,
Photos ripped and scattered,,
Frames of memories lay shattered …
No more dreams of carefree fun,,
No more paths to walk as one,,
All has been undone,, untied,,
I tried,, now cast aside,,
In shadows alone weep inside…
Days of no tomorrows,,
Filled with regret and sorrow,,
Beating twin heart gone today,,
Clouds forever grey…
Coldness on the sheets at night,,
No one there to kiss goodnight,,
No one to hold in peaceful slumber,,
Now just one in number…
No more laughter and smiles for me,,
It has been undone,, why does this be,,
Images of times gone by,, why oh why,,
Crying in darkness so no one can see,,
That I am in misery…
Take me from this place,, so I can stand,,
Take me to a happy sunny land,,
Spoken vows rendered worthless now,,
Days of endless grey and sorrow,,
Perhaps tomorrow………………..
I was just gazing at some words as they lay,,
Apon the whiten page,, just the other day,,
When I came apon this word “madam”,,
Just an ordinary word it is,,
A polite term of address for a women…
But as I looked closer still,, I found more to this word
Look closer,, look deeper and you will see it too,,
It is a curious combination of letters to display,,
Let me shown you what is hidden inside,,
This ordinary word “madam”…
“adam” can be found within “madam”,,
Perhaps a sexual double entendre??
Hidden within,, to make one chuckle,,
Perhaps an inside joke,, of yonder by??
Look again,, what can you find??...
“a” & “ad” & “ada” & “mad”& “dam” & “da”
Oh yes,, and “am” & “ma” too,,
So many are hidden within this simple word
“madam”,, I wonder why,, it is just 5 letters,,
And yes,, if you look closer still,, you will find
That it is a palindrome too,,
Very wondrous to me,, is it to you??........
Apon the whiten page,, just the other day,,
When I came apon this word “madam”,,
Just an ordinary word it is,,
A polite term of address for a women…
But as I looked closer still,, I found more to this word
Look closer,, look deeper and you will see it too,,
It is a curious combination of letters to display,,
Let me shown you what is hidden inside,,
This ordinary word “madam”…
“adam” can be found within “madam”,,
Perhaps a sexual double entendre??
Hidden within,, to make one chuckle,,
Perhaps an inside joke,, of yonder by??
Look again,, what can you find??...
“a” & “ad” & “ada” & “mad”& “dam” & “da”
Oh yes,, and “am” & “ma” too,,
So many are hidden within this simple word
“madam”,, I wonder why,, it is just 5 letters,,
And yes,, if you look closer still,, you will find
That it is a palindrome too,,
Very wondrous to me,, is it to you??........
Whispering breezes make them fall,,
Yellow,, amber,, red and gold,,
Drifting silently to the ground,,
Swept from the limbs up high,,
To the lawn of green,,
Now the robins nest in her hair,,
Can be seen…
Oh God,, not that again,, oh geez,,
Not that piece of G-dam tripe,,
Oh man,, I really really hate that poem,,
It really does stinkith,, robins nest in her hair,, oh boy,,
What a piece of doggie poo,,
I’m so mad now,, oooh I just can’t stand it,,
Oooh it makes me sooooo mad,,
He was a sadomasochist homo you know,,
Oooh it makes me so mad,, just to think about it…
Got to calm down,, easy now,, easy,, easy,,
I think I’ll take some valium and have some more coffee,,
Ooooh it makes me so mad,,
You try to write something and in pops that
stinking tree thingy,, oooooh…
Ok,, that’s better,, where was I??,,
Oh yeah,,
The silky smoothness of her breasts,, rose and fell
with her whispered breathing….. ooops wrong page,,
Heh-heh… Now where was I??,,
Oh geez,, I’ll have to start all over again…
Whispering breezes make them fall,,
Yellow,, amber,, red and gold,,
Drifting silently to the ground,,
Oh,, never mind,, it’s gone now,,
Maybe tomorrow,, damn Joyce Kilmer anyway,,
And what kind of a mans name is Joyce anyway??,,
Freaking homo…………
Yellow,, amber,, red and gold,,
Drifting silently to the ground,,
Swept from the limbs up high,,
To the lawn of green,,
Now the robins nest in her hair,,
Can be seen…
Oh God,, not that again,, oh geez,,
Not that piece of G-dam tripe,,
Oh man,, I really really hate that poem,,
It really does stinkith,, robins nest in her hair,, oh boy,,
What a piece of doggie poo,,
I’m so mad now,, oooh I just can’t stand it,,
Oooh it makes me sooooo mad,,
He was a sadomasochist homo you know,,
Oooh it makes me so mad,, just to think about it…
Got to calm down,, easy now,, easy,, easy,,
I think I’ll take some valium and have some more coffee,,
Ooooh it makes me so mad,,
You try to write something and in pops that
stinking tree thingy,, oooooh…
Ok,, that’s better,, where was I??,,
Oh yeah,,
The silky smoothness of her breasts,, rose and fell
with her whispered breathing….. ooops wrong page,,
Heh-heh… Now where was I??,,
Oh geez,, I’ll have to start all over again…
Whispering breezes make them fall,,
Yellow,, amber,, red and gold,,
Drifting silently to the ground,,
Oh,, never mind,, it’s gone now,,
Maybe tomorrow,, damn Joyce Kilmer anyway,,
And what kind of a mans name is Joyce anyway??,,
Freaking homo…………
Friday, October 19, 2007
Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens, we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.
We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
This much we pledge—and more.
To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.
To those new States whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom—and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.
To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required—not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge—to convert our good words into good deeds—in a new alliance for progress—to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.
To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support—to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective—to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak—and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.
Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.
We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.
But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course—both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.
So let us begin anew—remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.
Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.
Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms—and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations.
Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.
Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah—to "undo the heavy burdens ... and to let the oppressed go free."
And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.
All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.
In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.
Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
John F. Kennedy
Inaugural Address
Friday, January 20, 1961
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.
Thomas Paine
– Published on 23 December 1776

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.
We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
This much we pledge—and more.
To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.
To those new States whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom—and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.
To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required—not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge—to convert our good words into good deeds—in a new alliance for progress—to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.
To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support—to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective—to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak—and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.
Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.
We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.
But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course—both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.
So let us begin anew—remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.
Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.
Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms—and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations.
Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.
Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah—to "undo the heavy burdens ... and to let the oppressed go free."
And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.
All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.
In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.
Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
John F. Kennedy
Inaugural Address
Friday, January 20, 1961
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.
Thomas Paine
– Published on 23 December 1776
Do you remember now? Or are your minds only fit for 30sec
YOU-TUBE videos?
Remember us they say, remember us………
Thursday, October 18, 2007

(the white days)
The season is quickly changing now from the autumn days to the
winter months…The trees show the changes,, having lost most of
their fall colored leaves,, and the days are becoming shorter and
shorter,, the sun seems always to stall,, before it reaches above
my head,, the warmth it gives is not very much,, and clouds now
fill the sky with winter grayness,, the winds have a bite to them,,
both apon the day and the night,, especially at night…
I have had many a month to ponder what to do when winter started
to come apon me,, and the best decision for me,, was to find a
small town,, somewhere to settle myself and wait out the winters
white days…To be wandering the roads during the winter months
is not something one should do,, it would be to easy to lose ones grip
on the future and be frozen upon the ground to one spot,,
a small town is best for me now,, just for a few months,, until I can
again trek to the very eastern coast…
And this is what I did,, before the cold blasts of whiteness finally
took over this land… I found a small town and a bordering house,,
where I could stay,, I had to pay extra to have Joe stay with me,,
but I would have paid any fee for her company,, she is a very part
of me now,, and a job I did find in this small town,, it didn’t pay
much,, but that was not what I was after,, I just needed something
to do during the daytime hours,, or surely I would have gone insane…
After all the months of movement on the dusty road,, to be still
was a very hard thing for me to do,, something to do,, a job,,
and I did find one…I found one in a small hardware store,,
I suppose you’d call it,, where everyone could buy such things as
pots, mops and the odd lot,, I was just hired to keep the place clean
and tidy,, and to keep the shelves stocked,, that was all I needed
to do…The owners name was Henry Owens,, Mr Owens I had to
call him,, not Henry or Hank,, the boss he was,, he had told me that
on my first day,, a tall spindly man about 40 or so,, with jet
black hair,, and a kind of crooked nose,, he had a manner about him
that I didn’t take to very much,, for he was always about me,,
watching my every task,, never satisfied was he,, never could I
every do things just right,, even if it was just the floor that
I was sweeping…
I didn’t care much for his ways,, but a job it was and I soon would
be gone from this place and once again apon the dusty road,,
as soon as spring come apon this land once again…
Perhaps only three months,, many four would I have to stay within
this small town,, just going about,, from work,, and then to home…
I would leave Joe in my room thru out the day,, for there was no
one to watch her as I went to work,, I kept the radio on,,
or sometimes the TV,, so maybe she didn’t feel so alone while
I was away,, each night when I returned,, she would always
greet me,, with her tail wagging and bouncing on the bed,,
very happy to see me she was and I of her…
The weeks and days seemed to drag on and on,, the same,,
the same,, the same,, so much different it was,, from my
wanderings apon that dusty road,, if this is what awaits me when
I return home once more to the very western coast,, I’m not sure
I’ll like it very much… But that is something to ponder about
when this journey is done…
This is the first time I have really had to deal with winters’
white bite,, I have always been in warmer climates when the
snows began to fall,, I’m glad that I was wise enough to seek
shelter and stay awhile during these white grey months,,
it does seem to be a bleak and dreary time,, snow,, ice and wind,,
it’s all there seems to be…The roads and pathways are quite a mess,,
no place for anyone trekking upon the road…
Work in the store was much the same,, Mr Owens,, as I have said,,
was not a very good boss,, an least as far as I was concerned,,
always picking and poking and complaining about my work…
Only a couple of months I kept telling myself,, as I worked in the
store each day,, and sometimes on weekends too,, for it was coming
close to Christmas now,, and he kept the store open later hours,,
to sell more goods as the holidays grew nearer…
The folks about this town seem to be very nice,, most of them,,
when they see me about,, or in the store,, they greet me,,
with a simple “hello”,, “how are you”,, sometimes we chat a while,,
and discuss the news or the weather,, just simple things as we
chat awhile…On nicer days when the sun has finally broken thru
the clouds and the wind is not so biting,, I take Joe for walks about
this town,, it is good to get out,, at least for a little while,,
Joe is quite the happy girl as she jumps and plays in the snow piles
and the drifts,, but it is not too good for her leg,, and I watch her to
make sure it doesn’t become too stiff from the cold…
Everyone seems to enjoy her antics as we walk about,, she seems
not to be bothered by all the “strangers” in town… I’ve had to take
her to the vet to get a dog license and shots,, that’s what the town
sheriff said anyway,, and that’s what I did…
The Christmas season was kind of lonely for me,, not much to
celebrate,, no family here,, just me an Joe,, I did make some calls
to back home,, it was good to hear their voices again,, all was well
with them,, but it made me sad,, for I was not there to celebrate
the season with them,, as I have always done before…
Just me and Joe,, celebrated that year,, I got her a funny cap with
deer antlers on it,, she looked quite funny to me,, and also I got her
a winter dog coat,, for when I take her out on our walks
thru the town…
Mr Owens and I had quite the fight the other day,, just 3 weeks
after Christmas,, I kind of lost my temper and,, well,,
I got fired for it…No more job with him,, it doesn’t matter,,
I had tired of his ways,, and I’m glad to be rid of him,,
not my type of boss at all…
Mrs Witmoore also asked me to leave,, about a week after that,,
it seems Mr Owens,, was a second cousin or something…
I found a new place then,, to stay while the winter white was still
apon this land,, a place about 3 miles outside of town,, just a small
house it was that I rented,, until the spring time…
It seems that the owner had passed away recently and it was
vacant now,, an older lady had lived there all her life,, mostly,,
and now her kids owned it,, they agreed to let me rent it until
the spring,, then they would try to sell it…It was good for me,,
to be out of that town,, I think Mr Owens will sour the town for me,,
with his false tales and such,, it is good to be on my own again…
Mr Tyler,, and I visited this small house,, and it was from him that
I rented it,, I agreed to his price without too much haggling,,
but I had him agree to drive me back and forth to town a couple
of times,, so I could stock up on winter food and supplies that
I thought I would need,, and this we did,, about four trips I
think it was…
This house is very small,, about 80 years old I guess,,
not much to look at,, just an old house,, nothing about the
place either,, the family took whatever was within it,,
when Mrs Pelton died,, they just left some odd bits of furniture
about,, a couple of chairs,, an old kitchen table,, and an old
refrigerator,, not much else,, nor did I really need anything…
I was just here to wait out the winter,, anything else that I needed
could wait until I could walk to town…
The winter days pass very slowly,, can’t wait until their gone and
I can head out once more apon the dusty road to finally reach the
eastern coast and than to home… Christmas has passed,, but it
made me remember those that I had left behind,, a long time I
have been gone,, a long time indeed…Not much to do here,,
just me and Joe now,, we play fetch and hide and seek within
the house,, or go out on nicer days to play in the snow,, I trick
her sometimes by throwing snowballs for her to fetch,,
kinda mean,, as soon as the weather breaks a little I think I’ll head
into town for some supplies and some writing paper,, it will give me
something to do,, while I wait for the green of spring…
It was early February perhaps,, that the winter storms did break
and there was a calm,, it was then that I decided to head into town
for supplies and such and also to get some writing paper and just
a small radio… I left Joe there to guard the place while I was gone,,
the morning was bright and sunny as I started apon the short
walk to town,, just about 3 miles or so,, not much for me,,
for I have traveled much longer treks in months earlier,, to town
and back was all I that I was doing…I met Mr Owens there at his
store,, he doesn’t care much for me,, nor I for him,, but he took
my money anyway,, I guess a customer is a customer…
The afternoon was still sunny and bright as I started my trek
back home,, but the winds were starting to pick up a bit and it
did seem to be a lot colder now,, the road was mostly empty and
very few cars or trucks passed my way,, huddled against the wind
I was with my pack apon my back,, a biting wind,, from the
northeast,, I will be glad to get back home,, to Joe and the
warmth of that house…
Joe greeted me as she always does,, so happy,, heavy wet snow had
started to fall about 30 minutes before I got back and I had to trudge
thru it and the biting wind,, but I made it back,, all wet now,,
my feet feel like icicles,, but I will soon be warm again…
Now I can sit by the window there,, and write about some of the
things I’ve seen and the places I’ve been,, it keeps the hours moving,,
and my mind off of this whiteness,, I don’t like it,,
I wonder if anybody really does…
The house seems to have quite a chill about it now,, I am not really
feeling that well,, a winter cold perhaps,, not the best of things…
Aspirin every few hours,, is all I have,, I am very tired,, and have
a headache most of the time,, just aspirin and bed rest for me,,
yes,, I think I’ll rest a while…When I awoke Joe was beside
me there,, as always,, I feel terrible,, the sneezing all the time,,
my nose is clogged and running too,, what a miserable feeling,,
not much to do,, except take my aspirin and keep a kettle of tea
brewing in whistling Petes Fine kettle,, the days drag and drag…
I try to do some writing but I’m just not feeling up to it,,
maybe tomorrow…
The sun is starting to stay later and later in the sky now and
there are more days where the snow and ice melt away…
I’m feeling much better now,, but it was a miserable 7-10 days,,
winter colds,, not very much fun,, it will not be long now before
Joe and I can once again journey upon the dusty road,,
to the very eastern coast we are headed and then to home…
to home……………..
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Apon the lot of the buyme buyme,,
By the shining Big Wallie Wallie,,
At the doorway before this saley saley,,
Near the carts of wire woven,,
Many looney boonies stood and waited,,
All the air was scented with coffee and donuts,,
All the neon signs were bright and joyous,,
From the blow of horn-a-starta the madness,,
From its open doorus leaped the crazy onie onies,,
Westward thu to the products of the floorus,,
Passed in bolden herds the looney boonies,,
Passing the tvs,, lcds,, cds,, and the money-changers,,
Turning,, yearning for the merchandises,,
Bright above them shone the pricies pricies,,
Unlevel headed went seekers of the buyit buyit,,
Onto the great margin maker market,,
Sparkling,, flashing,, gashing,, to get in line,,
Stood looney boonies with hands apon wallets,,
Every cart of wire woven had its pusher,,
Now motionless beneath cashier taker,,
Gone now was every trace of merchandises,,
As the list fell off the registery,,
Both the eyes popped out against it,,
Sees what is the costie costie,,
With achey feet of no joy triumphant,,
With a look of total exhaustion,,
As of ones who went on this saley saley mission,,
Now stood and waited,, growled togethar,, togethar,,
As the crazy onie onies pulled from the cardy wallets,,
Toward the sum total in hands were listed,,,
And between the parted fingers of cashier ringers,,
Fell the dollar tokens of these shopper manglers,,
Flecked with speed of light into tills of cashie takers,,
As stood looney boonies,, with packages baggied,,
Through the glassy doorus,, they went with no chorus,,
For now the looney boonies,, who spent apon the saley,,
Where now much more poorus poorus,,
Now awakened and stood Wathawatha,,
Toward the setting sun her eyes were lifted,,
Her heart was filled with much woe and sorrow,,
For she had slept thru the saley saley,,
By the shining Big Wallie Wallie,,
With a smile of joy and triumph,,
With a look of exultation,,
As of one who in a vision,, saw the addy addy,,
Apon the big white shopper flyin,,
No more would she be cryin,,
By the shining Big Red Kie,, Kie,,
There would a saley saley on the morrow,, morrow…………
By the shining Big Wallie Wallie,,
At the doorway before this saley saley,,
Near the carts of wire woven,,
Many looney boonies stood and waited,,
All the air was scented with coffee and donuts,,
All the neon signs were bright and joyous,,
From the blow of horn-a-starta the madness,,
From its open doorus leaped the crazy onie onies,,
Westward thu to the products of the floorus,,
Passed in bolden herds the looney boonies,,
Passing the tvs,, lcds,, cds,, and the money-changers,,
Turning,, yearning for the merchandises,,
Bright above them shone the pricies pricies,,
Unlevel headed went seekers of the buyit buyit,,
Onto the great margin maker market,,
Sparkling,, flashing,, gashing,, to get in line,,
Stood looney boonies with hands apon wallets,,
Every cart of wire woven had its pusher,,
Now motionless beneath cashier taker,,
Gone now was every trace of merchandises,,
As the list fell off the registery,,
Both the eyes popped out against it,,
Sees what is the costie costie,,
With achey feet of no joy triumphant,,
With a look of total exhaustion,,
As of ones who went on this saley saley mission,,
Now stood and waited,, growled togethar,, togethar,,
As the crazy onie onies pulled from the cardy wallets,,
Toward the sum total in hands were listed,,,
And between the parted fingers of cashier ringers,,
Fell the dollar tokens of these shopper manglers,,
Flecked with speed of light into tills of cashie takers,,
As stood looney boonies,, with packages baggied,,
Through the glassy doorus,, they went with no chorus,,
For now the looney boonies,, who spent apon the saley,,
Where now much more poorus poorus,,
Now awakened and stood Wathawatha,,
Toward the setting sun her eyes were lifted,,
Her heart was filled with much woe and sorrow,,
For she had slept thru the saley saley,,
By the shining Big Wallie Wallie,,
With a smile of joy and triumph,,
With a look of exultation,,
As of one who in a vision,, saw the addy addy,,
Apon the big white shopper flyin,,
No more would she be cryin,,
By the shining Big Red Kie,, Kie,,
There would a saley saley on the morrow,, morrow…………
Saturday, October 13, 2007
BOIL,, BOIL,, toil and trouble,,
Fire burn,, and cauldron bubble,,
She cooks again this night,,
What a fright,, it is a ghastly sight,,
With frenzied haste she does make waste,,
Not very good will it taste…
Blackened pots and blackened pans,,
She chops and chops,, HEY,, watch my hand,,
Into the cauldron hot it lands,,
Be wary of this brew of stew,,
Be glad it is not meant for you…
Chop,, chop,, slice and dice,, she does hurry,,
Eye of newt,, warts of frogs,, some more curry??,,
Pickled pickles and chicken gizzard paste,,
Bees knees and lizard lips,, care for a taste??,,
She cooks again this night,, just by candlelight…
Blackened smoke now fills the room,,
It marks the path to your doom,,
With bloody fingers and a witches laugh,,
She now goes to take a bath,,
While she lets the smelly brew stew,,
I would run,, but I am not as lucky as you,,
It is for me she does make this “feast”,,
With parts of all the forest creatures to the east…
Done,, done,, oh what joy and fun,,
A bubbly brown syrupy goop she has spun,,
Served with black as night buns,,
Scissors needed to cut the coffee,, into the cup,,
Gazing apon this sickening moving glop,,
I think I shall throw up…
Past the lips and over the gums,,
Look-out stomach here it comes,,
With eyes now a fiery red,, soon I will be dead,,
Ain’t you glad….HEY,, this ain’t half-bad,,
Can I have another helping please,,
With just a little sprinkling of some bees knees………..
Thursday, October 11, 2007
(Jacobs land)
It had been a long time since I had such a home cooked meal,,
a long time indeed.. For I had been on this dusty road for many
many months,, wandering the back roads of this land…
And I have seen and been in many a curious and wondrous place,,
and now I was in kinder,, gentler place,, among some
new friends I hope.. I know…
A very fine meal indeed… I had come across Jacob Setlier,,
while I was trekking thru the lush green farmlands,,
with white painted fences to each side of me,, me and Joe…
We had traveled from the misty forest,, thru the wheat fields,,
and now we were about the farmlands… Where exactly we were
I did not know,, I guess it really didn’t matter,, for I was always
headed east to the very eastern coast,, that was where
I wanted to go,, when I first started this journey,,
so many months ago…
Just wandering the dusty road I was,, when I came apon
Jacob Setlier in his field,, he was pulling an old tree stump out,,
using just his two horses and some rope,, no tractors or motors
vehicles was he using…
Just his back and those animals,, a very curious site for me,,
since I have always seen heavy labor done with tractors and
heavy machinery or maybe even a bulldozer,, but this was not
his way,, as I would learn later…
Joe and I stood by the white painted fence rails and watched
Jacob for a while,, taking a rest from this trek we were on,,
just watching as Jacob struggled with that stump,,
to be rid of it from his field…
We watched for perhaps 10 minutes or so,, and as I watched Jacob,,
I yelled to him if he need an extra hand with that stump,,
I was willing to help him I said,, if he wanted me to...
Jacob responded with a terse but polite refusal of my offer,,
and then continued with his chore... He had the horses tied to that
stump with four ropes and he had dug all around the roots,,
then he slapped the animals on their rears for them to start pulling
that stump from the ground… They strained and strained against
the ropes and that stump but it seemed not to move,,
and again Jacob slapped them on their rears,,
a little harder this time,, and the animals again pulled with all they
had to remove that stump from its place,, and then the rope
snapped and the horses where suddenly free from their binds and
as they lurched forward Jacob was knocked to the ground…
Well,, this was enough for me,, I could plainly see that he needed
some help,, so I climbed beyond that fence to help Jacob with
his chore,, whether he needed my help or not,, for surely he did…
I left my pack by the fence there and I told Joe just to stay and wait
until I got back,, which she did,, for she was a very smart dog…
Jacob was just rising to his feet and brushing himself off when I
arrived at that stump,, the horses stood nearby waiting…
Jacob was a man in his early thirties I suppose he was,, fit and firm,,
and well tanned he was from all his days out in the fields,,
he wore just a plain white shirt,, black trousers with suspenders
and had on a black rimmed hat... He looked somewhat like Lincoln
with his black beard,, but no mustache did he have,,
there were no buttons or zippers upon his clothes,, no adornments
of any kind,, for that was not his way,, just plain brown
shoes he wore,, not really the kind you would expect a farmer
to wear when he was out doing chores and such in the fields…
Jacob did not seem very pleased to see me upon his field that day,,
but I introduced myself anyway and I offered my hand to his…
He looked about me for a moment or so and then he shook
my hand in greeting,, a firm handshake did he have,,
he had much larger and stronger hands than I had…
We chatted for a minute or two and I told him who I was and
that I was just wandering thru this land to get to the very
eastern coast… He looked somewhat puzzled by my story,,
but he didn’t say much,, Jacob never did say much,, for all the time
I was with him,, never did he say much,, he kept his thoughts
and words mostly to himself…
So it was that I meet Jacob Setlier upon that dusty road that day
in early September... We proceed to work together that early morn
and we finally struggled enough and dug enough and sweated
enough that finally we pulled that rotten stump from its place…
Jacob didn’t say much after that,, he just thanked me,,
as I expected him to do,, for I was not seeking any kind of reward,,
and then he slapped the horses once more and they were on their
way dragging that stump to some other field I guess…
Having completed my work with Jacobs stump,,
I picked up my things,, then Joe and I continued down that
dusty road,, always heading east just Joe and I…
It was perhaps an hour or so later that we heard a horse coming
from behind us then,, and as I looked back I could see Jacob riding
in a black carriage with one just one horse leading,, he stopped it
just a little behind us and waited,, I thought perhaps he was going
to town so I moved to the side of that dusty road to let him by,,
perhaps the road was not wide enough for us all,,
Joe was doing his best to bark that horse away,, but it did him
little good,, the horse just stood there ignoring him…
Jacob motioned for me to come over,, and this I did,, then he said
he would like to offer me a job,, helping him about his farm,,
just for a few weeks or so… Now I could plainly see that this was
not Jacobs way,, to ask for help,, especially from someone he had
just met only and hour or so ago,, especially from someone such
as me,, who was just wandering down the road,, but I guess he
realized that I could help him,, and that I was not just some tramp
passing by,, and that he really could use some help before the
winter came... He said he couldn’t pay me much,, this I didn’t mind
for I don’t really need that much when I’m apon this road,,
so it was that I ended up helping Jacob on his farm that year…
As I joined Jacob in the cab of that carriage,, Joe jumped up and sat
apon my lap,, just sitting there with her tongue hanging out,,
ready for a ride… Jacob didn’t seem to take much liking to this,,
a dog in his carriage,, I could tell by the look on his face and the
low grumble he gave,, but he said nothing…
And then to his farm we did go…
Jacobs farm was like any other I suppose,, except for the fact it
was just plain white with no other colors about and there were no
farm machinery that I could see… Just horses and some sheep and such…
Along by the barn there I could see two children working with the
chickens in the coop,, giving them water and some grain and also
going about cleaning and tidying up the chicken coop,, if it needed it…
The kids were dressed quite plainly with no shoes about there feet
and the young girl wore a bonnet and a blue dress,, the young boy
dressed much like his father,, only he wore a straw hat and
his right arm was in a cast,, a broken arm from some fall I suppose…
Jacob guided the carriage into the barn there,, and then the children
came running to greet their father and to see who it was with him…
A strange sight I was to them,, for I was not dressed as their
father was,, that was very true,, a strange looking stranger,,
their father had brought to the farm that day... He introduced me
to each of his children,, there was Sarah,, she was perhaps
8 or 9 years old and Daniel,, with the broken arm,, he must have
been about 10 or 11,, both were very quite,, and mannered,,
but also very courteous to me,, they didn’t say much,, just hello
and nice to meet you… Jacob then told the kids to take care of the
horse and carriage while we went inside to discuss matters…
A very plain house it was,, we cleaned our boots off before entering
and Jacob just pointed at Joe,, meaning that he was to stay outside,,
and this I had Joe do... The inside of the house was just as plain as
the outside,, with very little furniture and no carpet on the floors,,
but it was very well kept and tidy,, we went thru two rooms,,
a parlor and a dinning room they were,, into the kitchen,, and there
it was that I met his wife Sarah… A plain looking woman with
blonde hair fastened neatly under the bonnet she wore and she
wore just a plain blue dress with a white apron… She was courteous
to me,, but I could plainly see that she was not too happy about
having me there,, a stranger with strange clothes and ways within
her house,, but she was still courteous...
Then Jacob politely asked me if I might wait in the parlor,,
just for a minute or two while he talked to his wife,, and this I did…
In the parlor were just wooden chairs and a small table,,
no electric lights that I could see,, just candles ready to be lit
for the night…
As I waited I could see the children tending to the horse and carriage
and going about their chores thru the window with its plain curtains…
I also noticed a large Bible on a stand there it the corner,,
a very large thick Bible,, not the type that one finds in a hotel room,,
a family Bible,, it did look very much cared for and used…
A very quiet place this was... Jacob and Sarah arrived in this room
after only a few minutes,, and they both greeted me again,,
and Sarah offered me some cold water,, which I accepted,,
just to be polite…
Then Jacob explained to me,, why he had asked for my help about
this farm of his… He said that over the past few weeks the weather
had been rainy,, with lots of storms and wind and that it had
damaged much of the fields around here and many trees had been
knocked over and that some barn roofs had to be fixed,,
not just on his farm but also on many of his neighbors farms,,
and that it was nearing harvest time also... He said that normally
he would have asked his neighbors for help,, as they would have
asked him,, and each would have helped each other,,
a good thing I thought to myself,, neighbors helping neighbors,,
always a good thing,, then he explained that with all the storm
damage about,, that everyone was busy with their own farms and
that as soon as they were done with the repairs they would
come along,, as he would do for them… So it was that he came to
the decision to ask me to help him about his farm,, and also since
Daniel had fallen from the porch roof two weeks ago,, he would not
be of much help,, he told me that he would not be able to pay
me much…For it was not his way to gather money about him,,
and that if I wished I could stay in a spare attic bedroom they had,,
until the work was done,, but he insisted that Joe could not come
into the house,, for he didn’t believe that animals should stay within
houses of men… This I understood and I agreed too,,
for it was his house,, and it was by his rules,, that I would have to
live by,, at least for a couple of weeks…
And so it was that I stayed with Jacob, Sarah, Daniel and Mary,,
for just a couple of weeks… And fine weeks they were two,,
the weather was cooler now but very pleasant for working about
the fields and in the barnyards,, Joe,, well she just kind of followed
me around from place to place,, and would just lay about waiting
for me to be done with whatever it was I happened apon…
Jacob as I have said was a quiet man,, and he went about
his business,, with purpose and he and Sarah were always very
respectful to me,, and sometimes even to Joe… Sarah proved to
be a very fine cook and I think that maybe while I was there I may
have gained a few pounds too,, she didn’t much care for me sneaking
table scraps to Joe,, but she let it go,, and didn’t say anything
to me,, or to Jacob,, she knew that Joe was my only family while
I was traveling on this dusty road…
My time apon Jacobs land was almost at an end and it would soon
be time for me to be once again traveling on,, the days were getting
much shorter now and the leaves were starting to turn into their
fall colors... I was mending one of the last broken fences along Jacobs
pastures when I saw him go by in his carriage,, to town,,
or to a neighbors house maybe,, then I heard the horse bay and
I looked down the road and saw that the horse had reared up and
now the carriage was turned over,, Joe and I scrambled from our
fence work and went to that spot just down the road,,
and there we saw what had happen,, a black and white badger
was there,, frightening the horse and Jacob had been throw about
and was now pinned underneath it… The horse kept rearing up to
fight off this wild animal,, which made things worse for Jacob there,,
then it was that Joe took off and she went into that badger with a
fierceness that I had never seen from her before,, she was not to be
outdone by this other animal,, and she bit and fought and scrambled
for all she was worth,, until finally she drove off that badger and the
horse was once again still…I could now help Jacob get out
from under his carriage,, and this I did,, he was not hurt much,,
but he did get a lot of bumps and bruises and a nasty cut on
his forehead,, but he was alright,, Joe,, well,, we both looked at her
with surprised looks about our faces,, she was fine,, with just a c
ouple of claw marks upon her back,, pretty good work for that
dog of mine,, pretty good work against that badger that day…
Two days later it was time to go,, all was well upon Jacobs farm,,
at least as well as it could be for now,, Jacob recovered for his
carriage mishap and Sarah even stitched up Joes wound on his back...
Things were going to be just fine for Joe and me along
that dusty road…
As I left that morning Sarah stopped me and gave me some canned
preserves,, some fresh made biscuits and some honey jam for
the road,, and she even gave me some bones for Joe...
As I walked down the driveway from Jacobs house I could see the
children doing their morning chores and Jacob out in his field there…
So it was that I started east once again along that dusty road,,
beside the white painted fences,, and just after a little while,,
I met Jacob standing by his fence there,, waiting for me to come by,,
he shook my hand again and said goodbye one last time,,
for he was a quite man of few words.. And he said to me,,
that if ever I should be about this way again,,
that I would be welcomed within his home and family,, and yes
even Joe would be welcomed there,, but not in the house of course…
I smiled as I walked along now,, it was a good couple of weeks…
These were fine folks that I had met,, although I was different in
every way from them,, as they were to me,, fine folks they were…
I have met many a fine folk along this dusty road,, and I guess that’s
way I came apon this journey,, to see what was out here,,
to view what was just over the next hill,, and yes to meet the many
fine folk who live along every dusty road… Very fine folk indeed live
along the dusty roads………………………………..
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Just a second,, give me a minute,, do you have the time?…
I have heard these phases on many occasions,,
Time,, it is so precious to us,, and yet we let it slip away,,
I have no time for you now,, I’m running late,,
just a moment please...
Time,, time,, we should give it its due,,
for we have so little to spare,,
It is constantly in motion,, we can see it upon the dial,,
and of the shadows that are cast...
Time,, time,, we love it so,, and yet we can not sow it,,
or grow it,,
It is beyond our grasp,, hold it a minute,, hold that thought,,
I’ll be right back,,
We curse the time we spend in line,, and praise it when
we are ahead of it...
Time,, time,, it forever unravels,,
of only memories it leaves behind,,
Forever do we chase it,, forever do we waste it,,
such a limited amount we have,,
Time it flies,, and time takes forever,, we divide it,,
and divide it again,, and again,,
We measure it,, we clock it,, we watch it go by,,
in jars of glass and sand we watch it fall...
Time it is said,, “waits for no man”,, it is master of us all,,
We arrange it,, we schedule it,, can you give me more time??
Time,, time,, we watch it go,, until the midnight hour,,
When the watchman comes for us all……………………………
The Prez was workin’ at his ranch late one night
When his eyes beheld an evil sight
For a monster from his cave began to rise
And suddenly not to my surprise
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin’ smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
From our dormitory in the white house east
To the pentagon where the guardians feast
The people all watched from their humble abodes
Thankful to see OBL get an atomic glow
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin’ smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil jihadies weren’t having much fun
The atomics had just begun
The guests included every Iranian one
Im a mad jahadie and his sons
The scene was smokin’,, all were makin’ fryin’ sounds
OBL had pains,, smacked on his caves playin’ grounds
The atomic clouds were about to arrive
With the flyin’ group,, “the ass-kicker B25s”
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
Out of his cave,, OBLs’ voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He stood on the sand and looked real hard
And said,, “whatever happened to my holy jihad”
It’s now the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
Now OBLs fryin’,, he was blasted into the sand
The atomic mushrooms,, where a hit across this land
For us the giving,, this mash was not too soon
When you tread on us,, this is your doom
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
sung to that happy Halloween tune "Monster Mash"
(P.S.,, I would have added music but I don't know how)
The Prez was workin’ at his ranch late one night
When his eyes beheld an evil sight
For a monster from his cave began to rise
And suddenly not to my surprise
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin’ smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
From our dormitory in the white house east
To the pentagon where the guardians feast
The people all watched from their humble abodes
Thankful to see OBL get an atomic glow
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin’ smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil jihadies weren’t having much fun
The atomics had just begun
The guests included every Iranian one
Im a mad jahadie and his sons
The scene was smokin’,, all were makin’ fryin’ sounds
OBL had pains,, smacked on his caves playin’ grounds
The atomic clouds were about to arrive
With the flyin’ group,, “the ass-kicker B25s”
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
Out of his cave,, OBLs’ voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He stood on the sand and looked real hard
And said,, “whatever happened to my holy jihad”
It’s now the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
Now OBLs fryin’,, he was blasted into the sand
The atomic mushrooms,, where a hit across this land
For us the giving,, this mash was not too soon
When you tread on us,, this is your doom
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
The evil slayin’ mash
It was a mushroom glowin smash
He did the mash
It had a center of the sun flash
The Prez did the red button mash
He did the atomic smash
sung to that happy Halloween tune "Monster Mash"
(P.S.,, I would have added music but I don't know how)
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Shimmering images of forgotten men,
Shields gilded silver gold,,
Swords sharpened bright to fight,,
Table rounds’ forgotten knights,,
Wisps of visions past…
Stepping boldly into the city square,,
Standing neth the steel glass towers there,,
Searching for the virtuous ones,,
To rebuild the table round,,
Can sixteen be found…
Gazing thru the mirrored glass,,
Men apon men just walk on past,,
Meetings to and fro,,
All about the pound and cent,,
Money,, money,, that must be lent,,
Money,, money,, to be spent,,
Money,, money,, to be gotten,,
Virtues of table round forgotten…
Stepping slowly into the market square,,
Standing by the vendors ware,,
Searching for the virtuous ones,,
To rebuild the table round,,
Can sixteen be found…
Gazing at the vendors there,,
Eyes now have a saddened stare,,
Money,, money,, that must be lent,,
Money,, money,, to be spent,,
Money,, money,, to be gotten,,
Virtues of table round forgotten…
Shimmering images of forgotten men,
Shields gilded silver gold,,
Swords sharpened bright to fight,,
Table rounds’ forgotten knights,,
Wisps of visions past…
Stepping boldly into the city square,,
Standing neth the steel glass towers there,,
Searching for the virtuous ones,,
To rebuild the table round,,
Can sixteen be found…
Gazing thru the mirrored glass,,
Men apon men just walk on past,,
Meetings to and fro,,
All about the pound and cent,,
Money,, money,, that must be lent,,
Money,, money,, to be spent,,
Money,, money,, to be gotten,,
Virtues of table round forgotten…
Stepping slowly into the market square,,
Standing by the vendors ware,,
Searching for the virtuous ones,,
To rebuild the table round,,
Can sixteen be found…
Gazing at the vendors there,,
Eyes now have a saddened stare,,
Money,, money,, that must be lent,,
Money,, money,, to be spent,,
Money,, money,, to be gotten,,
Virtues of table round forgotten…
Standing by the Avon,,
Fading images of forgotten men,
Shields shattered no use to them,,
Swords broken and rusted now,,
None found to protect gallantrys’ vow…
Table rounds’ forgotten knights,,
Visions past,, fading into blacken night,,
Leaving behind only one shining bright,,
Hoping that someone just might,,
Seize the Excalibur to fight for what’s right…
Can sixteen be found,,
Rebuild the table round,,
It does take a lot,,
To restore the virtues of Camelot…………….
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