Something to ponder on as you wander on

Some liars are born that way, some are self-made; but the really great ones are elected to Congress…

Thursday, September 6, 2007


…………………..WHAT KIND OF MEN………………
What kind of men,, walk about the streets
with their faces covered and only their eyes showing,,
I wish to know,, I wish to be just like them,,
Are they villains,, bank robbers or thieves,,
What kind of men,, carry AK47s in the streets,,
Are they followers of Mohammad,, if so I wish to be just like them,,
What kind of men are these,, that fire mortar shells into the air,,
To land upon the houses and streets,,
I wish to know,, for they are so brave,, I wish to be just like them,,

They are so brave,, and worthy,, I wish to know them,,
I wish to be just like them,,
What kind of men,, strap explosives to their bodies and
hide it under their shirts,, as they walk the streets,,
They are so brave,, and worthy,, I wish to know them,,
What kind of men,, go into the schoolyards and blown
themselves up,, killing the women and children,,
I wish to know them,, I wish to be just like them,,

They are so brave,, so honorable and true,, to Allahs ways,,
What kind of men,, pack their cars with explosives,,
To explode them the day next,, they must be Holy men,,
I wish to be just like them,, I wish to know them,,
What kind of men,, drive their cars into the crowds on the
corner and then blown themselves up,,
Killing and maiming all those who were just walking about,,
They are so brave,, such martyrs they must be,,
I wish to be just like them,,
They are so very brave,, to kill the innocent,,
I wish I was so brave,, I wish I could be just like them,,
What kind of men,, go to the Mosque each day and pray,,
And then load their trucks with dynamite during the night,,
What kind of men are these,, they are so brave,, to drive their
trucks into the market place,, and blown themselves up,,
So brave and true they are,, to the teachings of the Koran,,
They are such worthy men,, to kill so many,, as they shop
for their daily bread,,

What kind of men,, I wish to be just like them,,
What kind of men are these,, that can fire rocket grenades
into the shops and stores,, killing all those that they do not know,,
They are so brave,, and worthy,, do they know of Allahs ways,,
What kind of men are these,, that are so brave and worthy,,
That they take hostages,, and cut the innocent ones heads off
before live TV,, I wish to know them,, I wish to know who there are,,
They are so very very brave,, to slit the throats of the innocent that
are tied up and bound,, so very brave and true,,

What kind of men,, steal the policemens uniform,, and wear it,,
So that they can rush into the police stations and slaughter everyone,,
What kind of men are these,, I wish to know them,,
I wish to have them marry my daughter,, so she can blown herself
up too,, I wish they would teach my sons these bloody ways,,
These men that bring terror every night,, they are so brave,,
worthy,, honorable and true,, to Allahs ways,,

Maybe some day,, they will be gone,, having blown themselves up,,
I pray within the Mosque each day,, that they would go away,,
That apon some marketplace they will not slay my wife or family,,
I pray this every day,, I pray to Allah,, to have these men
go away,, so that I might have a peaceful night………..

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