Something to ponder on as you wander on

Some liars are born that way, some are self-made; but the really great ones are elected to Congress…

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


. ………..WOE UNTO YE………
Woe unto ye in the land of US,,
it hast comeith upon ye, and stays from dawn till dusk…
With pundits, scribes, soothsayers and poll takers,,
it infests every town, every city, every state…
Alas and woe,, tis fifteen months to go,,
until many shall becomith just one…

There are the republicans, the democrats and the wantabes too…
They comith with their scribes, their spinners, tenders and minders,,
all comith unto ye,, with smiles that goith from ear to ear…
And promises aplenty they will make, when ye hand they shake…
All will guarantee that they are the best,, do not bother with the rest,,
they will say that they can solve even the mightiest of riddles,,
and they will lift the babies up high so that ye will know that
they are just like ye and not like the rest,, kiss kiss upon the babies cheek…

Alas and woe,, tis fifteen months to go…
To the caucus,, to the talk shows,, to the picnics and the town squares,, they will show themselves to be purer than the rest,, to be just like ye,, the everyman,, from everytown,, from everystate,, and of every denomination,, they are just like ye,, just like family,, they can be trusted with the mightiest of powers,, and willith sit with their thumb not upon yon button but upon yon dove…

Woe unto ye in the land of US,,
it comith upon ye every 48,,
and for 15 more will they try to ingratiate…
There are the Giulianites,, of the 911 state,,
and the Romneyites,, he beith a LD saint,, and hasith a name of fame…
There be the Tennessee Thompsons,, of the Law & Order TV game,,
and the Mccainites,, he of the navy,, and a hero P.O.W….
And also comith some Gingrichs, Huckabees and Brownbackites…
And the I’m not sure,, and surely,, none of the above…

And from another camp,, they descend,, for ye to view upon…
There comith the Clintonites,, with a White House name,, for shame, for shame,,
and the Obamains,, he be of a different view,, and of a different hue,,
and the JEdwards,, he of the hallowed haircut halls…
And the Richardsoners,, gov of the New Mexico,, and
UN Ambassador,,
and also there be the Biden, Clarks and ye Doddites…
And the I’m not sure,, and surely,, none of the above…

Woe unto ye in the land of US…
In 15 shall it be the hour,, for ye to bestow upon one,,
the awesome power,, of ye olde Excalibur…
With hanging chads, and with thine paper, pen and pencil,,
with blue stained thumbs,, it shall be written,, be it red or be it blue,,
tis up to ye,, but verily I say unto ye,, that “none of the above” tis the very best,, for within this group of would- be kings,, I see no Lincolns, Washingtons, or Jeffersons,, neither do I see any Kennedys, or Roosevelts or even the Truman,, so surely I can say without jest,, that “none of the above” tis the very best…

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