As many of you know Gt281 likes to play with his dinghy…
Yes I like to take my dinghy out every weekend and play with it…
I usually do this near the seashore so I can watch the sexy suntanned
Seniorities soaking up the sunshine while they pick up seashells
in the seasand on sunny Sundays…But just like everyone else in this great land,, we who like to lay around and do nothing all day have been affected by high gas prices too…So I’ve had to make some minor alterations to my dinghy,, in order to save money on diesel fuel…You’ll notice in the picture below that I have installed oars,,
to propel my dinghy around the shinning sea…I’ve found that it is much cheaper to hire illegal Mexicans that to pay for gas,, they work for just pesos a day or you can just give them burnt burritos,, but not the bean ones,, only give them the beef or chicken…If you make the mistake of giving them bean burritos,, as I did,, (it was a learning experience),, you have to open all the port windows just to air the place out for at least a week…When I first modified my dinghy,, I experimented with using Hungarian dwarfs as rowers,, but I found out that they could easily slip their pudgy little feet thru the shackles and escape…They would mainly just run around my dinghy drinking all my beer and eating everything in my refrigerator… Nobody steals my beer and gets away with it…So I tied the little thieves up and put them where they couldn’t see the sun anymore,, well I guess they could,, if they were able to hold their breath for a really long time while being at the bottom of Harmony Harbor,, I left it up to them…
I didn’t get rid of all of them that way,, some of them I used as chum…Now don’t worry,, done of the great whites got sick from eating too much…Except for that one which died while having a tea time snack on the port side…He was merrily munching on one of the crustier ones when the dwarf must of farted,, and it died from the caustic vapors…That’s another reason I don’t use Hungarian dwarfs anymore…They tend to fart a lot when rowing,, and it was costing me a small fortune to keep replacing the rowing pews,, due to their having holes burned thru them…They ain’t called pews for nothing you know…
You can comment on the size of my dinghy,, it doesn’t bother me
if you think it’s too small………
Why don't you just stop keeping so much Mexican food in your fridge? That way the Hungarian dwarfs wouldn't fart so much.
to Lorelei:
It’s not a question of what they eat,, Hungarian dwarfs fart no matter what you give them…Illegal Mexicans are much easier to find anyway and they like to be in dark damp dingy places…It reminds them of the crowded airless vans that they were packed into when they were smuggled across
the border…
I'm sitting here trying to think of something to type ... and ... I can't, LOL.
to Drowsey:
Sometimes the facts about my life leave me speechless
too…and passed out on the floor…
I think you're just overcompensating for a lack of something. What could it be, what could it be... ;-)
to MArvin:
At least I have a stick shift that rises to the occasion.....
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