Something to ponder on as you wander on

Some liars are born that way, some are self-made; but the really great ones are elected to Congress…

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well it appears that it is once again time to pull out my trusty pack of Crayola crayons and create a vicious,, mean spirited,,
horrific,, smelly,, bubbling,, rotting puss bag of worm eaten
filth type of revenge tag for that little munchkin Martian invader Marvin…As you remember on last weeks
Emmy award winning (reg trademark) post,, Marvin in an
ill advised moment of shear audacity threw a radioactive tag at me,, which I promptly answered within a matter of seconds,, all while balancing an aardvark and a penguin on my head…So now,, according to the rules of Blogland,, I’m going to tag him with one of my own…
So here it is,, in glorious Technicolor,, I advise all other
Bloggers who happen by,, not to read any of the questions,,
or your mind may become a permanent bag of mush…

The rules:
Its my Blog so there are none…ppppllllttthhhh….

The questions:
1…If your brain was bigger than a chickens,,
would you be able to cross the road?...

2…How many Martians does it take to change
a light bulb?...(please no help from any French mimes)…

3…In the movie “Robinson Crusoe on Mars",, what is the
monkeys name?...

4…Explain in four sentences or less the time dilation effects
caused by a Klingon Warbirds exploding matter/anti-matter
warp core…

5…What’s a henweigh?...

6…When stranded on a desert island,, who would you
rather have with you,, Ginger or Maryann?...

Well that should keep the skirt wearing little alien
busy for a while……


MYM said...

lol ... damn. Just another reminder never to tag you ever, ever again :)

gt281 said...

to Drowsey:
Only the brave or very foolish do
such things...Well maybe someone loaded up on Nyquil and Baileys
might do it...

Marvin said...

Hmph. SOMEONE hasn't been taking their medication. And it isn't me. ;-)

1. Parameciums can cross the road without a brain, so I certainly can.
2. Martians don't use things so antiquated as lightbulbs. So first we'd have to figure out what it is, then figure out how to change it. It's simpler just to replace the house.
3. Though I have never seen that benighted piece of celluloid, I can see the answer in your thoughts - Barney.
4. Silly human. There are no time dilation effects from a warp-core explosion. Your ass just gets blown into tiny bits.
5. About 2 kilos.
6. Maryann. She's smart AND beautiful. Ginger was just useless.