Something to ponder on as you wander on

Some liars are born that way, some are self-made; but the really great ones are elected to Congress…

Saturday, August 18, 2007


………........HIPPITY HOPPITY…….......
Hippity, hoppity,, along the trail I go,,
Hippity, hoppity,, where it goes I do not know,,
Hippity, hoppity,, I go to and fro,,
Hippity, hoppity,, thru the fallen snow,,
Hippity, hoppity,, sometimes fast,, sometimes slow,,
Hippity, hoppity,, I jump high and I jump low,,
Hippity, hoppity,, putting on a bunny show,,

Hippity, hoppity,, I should have zigged instead of zagged,,
Hippity, hoppity,, now the fox has got me,, what a drag…

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